Respiratory System(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Tiny hairlike structures that line your nose and most other airways of the respiratory system
  1.    larynx
  2.    alveoli
  3.    cilia
  4.    diaphragm
Answer: Option C. -> cilia

Question 2. What does the Larynx hold ?
  1.    The larynx holds the whole respitory system. 
  2.    The larynx holds the trachea. 
  3.    The larynx holds the vocal chords. 
  4.    The larynx hold the wind pipe. 
Answer: Option C. -> The larynx holds the vocal chords. 

Question 3. The flap of tissue at the bottom of the pharynx which keeps food and liquids out of the rest of your respiratory system
  1.    pharynx
  2.    larynx
  3.    trachea
  4.    epiglottis
Answer: Option D. -> epiglottis

Question 4. A chamber behind the nose and mouth that leads to the trachea and is part of the digestive system and respiratory system
  1.    pharynx
  2.    trachea
  3.    epiglottis
  4.    larynx
Answer: Option A. -> pharynx

Question 5. The two narrower tubes branching from the trachea that leads into the lungs
  1.    nose
  2.    bronchi
  3.    lungs
  4.    alveoli
Answer: Option B. -> bronchi

Question 6. Which part of the Respiratory System plays a major role in speech? Also known as the voice box
  1.    nose
  2.    pharynx
  3.    larynx
  4.    trachea
Answer: Option C. -> larynx

Question 7. Alveoli increase the surface area in the lungs to allow
  1.    More nutrients to be absorbed
  2.    You to breathe faster
  3.    You to breathe slower
  4.    More O2 and CO2 to exchange
Answer: Option D. -> More O2 and CO2 to exchange

Question 8. Bronchial tubes contract quickly causing shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing
  1.    Bronchitis
  2.    Emphysema
  3.    Lung cancer
  4.    Asthma
Answer: Option D. -> Asthma

Question 9. Which body function is made possible by the fibrous bands stretched across the larynx?
  1.    swallowing
  2.    breathing
  3.    diffusion
  4.    speech
Answer: Option D. -> speech

Question 10. The left lung has three lobes and the right lung has two
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False