Radioactivity(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Two isotopes of the same element have
  1.    the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  2.    the same number of protons but different numbers of electrons
  3.    the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons
  4.    the same number of electrons but different numbers of protons
Answer: Option A. -> the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

Question 2. The half-life of a radioisotope is 2400 years
  1.    300 years
  2.    2400 years
  3.    7200 years
  4.    19 200 years
Answer: Option C. -> 7200 years

Question 3. The isotopes of neutral atoms of an element differ in
  1.    Atomic number
  2.    Mass number
  3.    Number of electrons
  4.    Chemical properties
Answer: Option B. -> Mass number

Question 4. Which particles make up the nucleus of an atom?
  1.    protons and neutrons
  2.    electrons and protons
  3.    electrons, protons, and neutrons
  4.    electrons and neutrons
Answer: Option A. -> protons and neutrons

Question 5. A detector is used to measure the count-rate near a radioactive source
  1.    3 minutes
  2.    5 minutes
  3.    6 minutes
  4.    10 minutes
Answer: Option D. -> 10 minutes

Question 6. Which particles are negatively charged
  1.    alpha
  2.    beta
  3.    gamma
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option B. -> beta

Question 7. Fusion occurs when nuclei
  1.    split
  2.    combine
  3.    mutate
  4.    gain energy
Answer: Option A. -> split

Question 8. Which is an alpha particle
  1.    Fast moving electron
  2.    4 2 He nuclei
  3.    fast moving positron
  4.    EM wave
Answer: Option B. -> 4 2 He nuclei

Question 9. The centre of an atom is called
  1.    the electron
  2.    the proton
  3.    the nucleus
  4.    the neutron
Answer: Option C. -> the nucleus

Question 10. Which particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
  1.    neutrons and protons only
  2.    neutrons only
  3.    protons and electrons only
  4.    protons, electrons and neutrons
Answer: Option A. -> neutrons and protons only