Viscosity(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What would you be most likely to find at a convergent boundary between two pieces of continental crust?
  1.    Volcano
  2.    Mountain
  3.    Rift
  4.    Island Arc
Answer: Option B. -> Mountain

Question 2. What do you call the resistance of a liquid to flow?
  1.    volume
  2.    mass
  3.    viscosity
  4.    fluidity
Answer: Option C. -> viscosity

Question 3. Summarize the main factors that affect the viscosity of liquids and gases
  1.    the expiry date on the fluid's label.
  2.    the temperature of the fluid and the size of it's container.
  3.    the size and shape of the particles and the temperature.
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option C. -> the size and shape of the particles and the temperature.

Question 4. Which viscosity can be described as "thick"?
  1.    Low viscosity
  2.    High viscosity
Answer: Option B. -> High viscosity

Question 5. The particles of a liquid with high cohesive force has high viscosity
  1.    TRUE
  2.    FALSE
Answer: Option A. -> TRUE

Question 6. Which viscosity can be described as "thin"?
  1.    Low viscosity
  2.    High viscosity
Answer: Option A. -> Low viscosity

Question 7. Low viscosity is when particles are farther apart and the cohesive force is stronger
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    I don't know
Answer: Option B. -> False

Question 8. High viscosity is when particles are closer together and the cohesive force is stronger
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    I don't know
Answer: Option A. -> True

Question 9. If you needed to make a liquid less viscous, select all the things you could do to lower the viscosity
  1.    add solvent
  2.    increase temperature
  3.    evaporate away solvent
  4.    Both A & B
Answer: Option D. -> Both A & B

Question 10. Fluids with very high viscosity flow very _______________________
  1.    fast
  2.    not at all
  3.    slow
  4.    whenever it wants
Answer: Option C. -> slow