Basic Of Life - Cells(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Nuclear matter without envelope occurs in  
  1.    Bacteria and Green algae
  2.    Cyanobacteria and red algae      
  3.    Mycoplasma and Green algae     
  4.    Cyanobacteria and Eubacteria
Answer: Option D. -> Cyanobacteria and Eubacteria
Cyanobacteria and Eubacteria are prokaryotes and they have nuclear matter without an envelope.

Question 2. Comparing large and small cells, which statement is correct?
  1.    Small cells have a small surface area per volume ratio
  2.    Exchange rate of nutrients is fast with large cells
  3.    Small cells have a large surface area per volume ratio
  4.    Exchange rate of nutrients is slow with small cells
Answer: Option C. -> Small cells have a large surface area per volume ratio
Small cells have a larger surface area per volume ratio when compared to large cells. hence smaller cells can absorb more number molecules than larger cells.

Question 3. The cell theory is not applicable to:
  1.    Algae    
  2.    Fungi
  3.    Viruses
  4.    Lichens
Answer: Option C. -> Viruses
Viruses lack the typical structure of a cell and donot perform any functions of a cell hence cell theory is not applicable to viruses.

Question 4. Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption of substances like
  1.    amino acids and glucose                        
  2.    glucose and fatty acids          
  3.    fatty acids and glycerol
  4.    fructose and some amino acids
Answer: Option A. -> amino acids and glucose                        
Na+ ions facilitates the absorption of glucose and amino acids. Secondary active transport is one of the two main types –
cotransport (e.g. glucose and some amino acids along with inward pushing of Na+) and counter transport (Ca2+ and H+import outwardly as excess Na+ passes inwardly).

Question 5. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cells are constituted with
  1.    mitochondria associated with ER   
  2.    ribosomes on the surface of ER      
  3.    volutin granules on the surface of the ER
  4.    sulphur granules on the surface of the ER
Answer: Option B. -> ribosomes on the surface of ER      
Endoplasmic Reticulum consists of complex membranous systems in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The ER having ribosomes on the surface is known as RER while the ER without ribosomes is called the smooth ER.

Question 6. Read the following statements and identify the correct option given.
I. In prokaryotic cell. The nuclear membrane, chloroplast, mitochondria, microtubules and different kinds of pili are absent.
II. In eukaryotic cell, the nuclear membrane, chloroplast, mitochondria and pili are present.
III. In prokaryotic cell, the ribosome is of 70 S type and in mitochondria of eukaryotic animal cell, the ribosome is of 80 S type.
  1.    I and II are wrong; III is correct
  2.    I is correct; II and III are wrong
  3.    I and II are correct; III is wrong
  4.    I, II and III are correct
Answer: Option D. -> I, II and III are correct
Prokaryotes are generally smaller and differ from eukaryotic cells in terms of structural elements and genetic processes e.g., bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasma, etc.
Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes lack a true nucleus, a nucleus membrane and the membrane bound organelles (mitochondria, chloroplast, Golgi bodies, ER)
Ribosomes are 70 S type in prokaryotes, while it is 80 S in eukaryotes although 70 S type inprokaryotes, while it is 80 S in eukaryotes although 70 S type of ribosomes are found inmitochondria and chloroplast of eukaryotic cell.

Question 7. Which one of the following is enveloped with a single membrane?
  1.    Nucleus
  2.    Mitochondrion
  3.    Lysosome
  4.    Chloroplast
Answer: Option C. -> Lysosome
Nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplast are double membrane bound organelles.

Question 8. The endomembrane system does not include:
  1.    Mitochondria
  2.    Lysosomes
  3.    Vacuoles
  4.    Golgi complex
Answer: Option A. -> Mitochondria

  • Theendomembrane system(endo- = “within”) is a group of membranes and organelles in eukaryotic cells that work together to modify, package, and transport lipids and proteins

  • Endomembrane system includes ER,Golgi complex, lysosomes, and vacuoles.

Question 9. Flagella of Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in.
  1.    type of movement and placement in cell.
  2.    location in cell and mode of functioning.
  3.    micro tubular organisation and type of movement.
  4.    micro tubular organisation and function.
Answer: Option C. -> micro tubular organisation and type of movement.
Flagella of prokaryotic andeukaryotic species differ in micro tubularorganisation and type of movement. In eukaryotes, the arrangement is (9 + 2) and specialized while inprokaryotes arrangement is simple.

Question 10. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in the cells are because of the presence of
  1.    mitochondria associated with ER
  2.    ribosomes on the surface of ER
  3.    volutin granules on the surface of ER
  4.    sulphur granules on the surface of ER
Answer: Option B. -> ribosomes on the surface of ER
Endoplasmic reticulum consists of complex membranoussystem in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The ER having ribosomes on its surface is calledRoughEndoplasmic Reticulumwhile the ER without ribosomes is called smooth ER.