Bond Energy(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which is an example of an endothermic physical reaction?
  1.    Ice melting 
  2.    Combustion 
  3.    Steam condensing 
  4.    Photosynthesis
Answer: Option A. -> Ice melting 

Question 2. How many electrons are shared in one chemical bond?
  1.    2
  2.    4
  3.    6
  4.    8
Answer: Option A. -> 2

Question 3. How can we figure out if an overall reaction is endo- or exo-thermic? It is the difference between _______ and __________
  1.    hot and cold temperatures
  2.    energy to break and energy to form bonds.
  3.    time to form a bond versus time to break a bond
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option B. -> energy to break and energy to form bonds.

Question 4. How many valence electrons do most electrons want in their valence shell to be stable? (Except hydrogen!)
  1.    2
  2.    4
  3.    6
  4.    8
Answer: Option D. -> 8

Question 5. When bonds are _________, energy is released
  1.    formed
  2.    exothermic
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option A. -> formed

Question 6. True or false: when bonds are broken the energy is positive because energy goes into the system
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option A. -> True

Question 7. This is the number of years that Kuppler has been teaching at Kingsway:
  1.    3 years
  2.    5 years
  3.    9 years
  4.    10 years
Answer: Option C. -> 9 years

Question 8. Which statements about exothermic reactions are correct?I
  1.    I and II only
  2.    I and III only
  3.    II and III only
  4.    I, II, and III
Answer: Option D. -> I, II, and III

Question 9. What kind of energy change happens in the photosynthesis reaction in plant leaves?
  1.    Endothermic
  2.    Exothermic
  3.    No change
  4.    Both A & B
Answer: Option A. -> Endothermic

Question 10. How can you determine an atom's valence electrons?
  1.    the column on the periodic table
  2.    the row on the periodic table
  3.    the atomic number
  4.    the atomic mass
Answer: Option A. -> the column on the periodic table