Nutrition In Plants(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Foods synthesized in the process of Photosynthesis by plants is stored as
  1.    Starch
  2.    Protein
  3.    Vitamins
  4.    Fats
Answer: Option A. -> Starch

Question 2. Which of the following component of food contains Nitrogen
  1.    Carbohydrate
  2.    Protein
  3.    Fat
  4.    Minerals
Answer: Option B. -> Protein

Question 3. Which part of the plant takes carbon dioxide from air for Photosynthesis
  1.    Root Hair
  2.    Stomata
  3.    Leaf Veins
  4.    Petals
Answer: Option B. -> Stomata

Question 4. Did you like the Quiz?
  1.    Yes
  2.    No
Answer: Option B. -> No

Question 5. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as
  1.    Starch or Carbohydrate
Answer: Option B. -> No

Question 6. Organisms which produce their own food are called
  1.    Autotrophs
  2.    Heterotrophs
  3.    Saprotrophs
  4.    Parasites
Answer: Option A. -> Autotrophs

Question 7. ______________ help in controlling the opening and closing ofstomata for gaseous exchange
  1.    Guard cells
Answer: Option A. -> Guard cells

Question 8. What protects Stomata and helps it in opening and closing?
  1.    Guard Cells
  2.    Leaf
  3.    Stem
  4.    Carbon Dioxide
Answer: Option A. -> Guard Cells

Question 9. Fungi like Mushrooms are heterotrophs but what is the scientific term for it in Science?
  1.    Decomposers
  2.    Autotrophs
  3.    Saprotrophs
  4.    Carnivores
Answer: Option C. -> Saprotrophs

Question 10. Cuscuta is a example of
  1.    (a) autotroph
  2.    (b) parasite
  3.    (c) saprotroph
  4.    (d) host
Answer: Option B. -> (b) parasite