Ios Swift(Computer Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which Of The Following Framework Is Not Used In IOS ?
  1.    UIKit Framework
  2.    AppKit Framework
  3.    Foundation Framework
  4.    CoreMotion Framework
Answer: Option B. -> AppKit Framework

Question 2. What is Sequence ?
  1.    specific  actions for the computer to perform
  2.    Is the order in which the commands are given 
  3.    is the repeated actions 
  4.    is the algorithmic thinking skills 
Answer: Option B. -> Is the order in which the commands are given 

Question 3. What are bugs
  1.    application interface
  2.    errors while coding 
  3.    fixing the errors
  4.    the order of actions 
Answer: Option B. -> errors while coding 

Question 4. Which command is used to turn the switch on?
  1.    toggle()
  2.    activateSwitch()
  3.    toggleSwitch()
  4.    onSwitch()
Answer: Option C. -> toggleSwitch()

Question 5. What is swift playground?
  1.    A tool Used to write a pseudo code for any program 
  2.    Advanced tool to create applications 
  3.    powerful programming language created by Apple
  4.    is a algorithmic designer tools 
Answer: Option C. -> powerful programming language created by Apple

Question 6. What best describes an algorithm?
  1.    A step-by-step series of operations
  2.    Only calculations that use advanced mathematics
  3.    The computer equivalent of rhythm
  4.    The same thing as an identifier
Answer: Option A. -> A step-by-step series of operations

Question 7. Commands have no spaces between words and always end with:
  1.    colon
  2.    parentheses
  3.    spaces
  4.    semicolons
Answer: Option B. -> parentheses

Question 8. While defining a function we use the keyword:
  1.    Func
  2.    FUNC
  3.    func
  4.    funC
Answer: Option C. -> func

Question 9. IOS Stands For ?
  1.    Internetwork Operating System
  2.    IPhone Operating System
  3.    Internet Operating System
  4.    None Of Them
Answer: Option B. -> IPhone Operating System

Question 10. The IDE Used In Swift Is
  1.    Swiftc
  2.    Gas
  3.    Xcode
  4.    Ld
Answer: Option C. -> Xcode