Metals And Non Metals(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which metal is the poor conductor of heat
  1.    Silver
  2.    Potassium
  3.    Mercury
  4.    Iron
Answer: Option C. -> Mercury

Question 2. What is just so typical of NON-metals?
  1.    They don't know what colours go well together.
  2.    Malleable.
  3.    Form acidic oxides.
  4.    Good conductors of electricity.
Answer: Option C. -> Form acidic oxides.

Question 3. What temperature does mercury melt at ?
  1.    1200 Celsius
  2.    120 degrees Fahrenheit
  3.    12 degrees Celsius
  4.    room temperature
Answer: Option D. -> room temperature

Question 4. The list which contains only metals is
  1.    aluminium, copper, nitrogen
  2.    iron, oxygen, hydrogen
  3.    iron, silver, aluminium
  4.    iron, sulphur, copper
Answer: Option C. -> iron, silver, aluminium

Question 5. Where would you find a list of all of the Metals and Non-metals that scientists have discovered?
  1.    Periodic Table
  2.    Book
  3.    Science Book
  4.    Internet
Answer: Option A. -> Periodic Table

Question 6. What does ductile mean?
  1.    electricity flows easily
  2.    quacks like a duck
  3.    can be drawn into a wire
  4.    able to bend
Answer: Option C. -> can be drawn into a wire

Question 7. What does malleable mean?
  1.    able to bend
  2.    will break easily
  3.    can be used for wire
  4.    is shiny
Answer: Option A. -> able to bend

Question 8. If a material can easily be drawn into the shape of a wire, it is
  1.    Ductile
  2.    Magnetic
  3.    Malleable
  4.    Reactive
Answer: Option A. -> Ductile

Question 9. What is a conductor?
  1.    Heat and electricity move through them easily
  2.    able to be drawn into a wire
  3.    able to be hammered into different shapes
  4.    shiny
Answer: Option A. -> Heat and electricity move through them easily

Question 10. Which elements are found on the left to middle of The Periodic Table?
  1.    Metals
  2.    Nonmetals
  3.    Metalloids
  4.    Candles
Answer: Option A. -> Metals