Nuclear Chemistry(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What kind of a nuclear reaction changes the number of protons in the nucleus?
  1.    transmutation
  2.    radioactive decay
  3.    fusion and fission
  4.    All of them listed in the other answer choices
Answer: Option D. -> All of them listed in the other answer choices

Question 2. Which produces more energy--nuclear fission or nuclear fusion?
  1.    Fusion
  2.    Fission
  3.    They produce the same amount
  4.    It depends on the elements used
Answer: Option A. -> Fusion

Question 3. Arrange in order of increasing ability to penetrate matter
  1.    Beta, gamma, alpha
  2.    Alpha, gamma, beta
  3.    Gamma, beta, alpha
  4.    Alpha, beta, gamma
Answer: Option D. -> Alpha, beta, gamma

Question 4. What is the missing isotope that will balance the following nuclear equation?94Be + 11H → _____ + 42He
  1.    105B
  2.    105Ne
  3.    63Li
  4.    63C
Answer: Option C. -> 63Li

Question 5. The force that holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom is called __________
  1.    Binding force
  2.    magnetic force
  3.    centripetal force
  4.    electrostatic force
Answer: Option A. -> Binding force

Question 6. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 20
  1.    0.500g
  2.    0.333g
  3.    0.250g
  4.    0.125g
Answer: Option D. -> 0.125g

Question 7. What does it mean when an element is radioactive?
  1.    atom emits radiation
  2.    nucei unstable due to uneven p to n ratio
  3.    nuclei changes to become stable
  4.    all of the above
Answer: Option D. -> all of the above

Question 8. If Thorium-234 undergoes a beta decay, What element will be left in its place?
  1.    Actinium-234
  2.    Thorium-233
  3.    Protactinium-234
  4.    Radium-230
Answer: Option C. -> Protactinium-234

Question 9. Which of the following is a fusion reaction?
  1.    hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3 combining to form a helium-4 atom and a neutron
  2.    Carbon-14 emitting an alpha particle
  3.    uranium-235 absorbing a neutron and breaking into barium-141, krypton-92, and three neutrons
  4.    uranium-238 emitting a beta particle
Answer: Option A. -> hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3 combining to form a helium-4 atom and a neutron

Question 10. In fission neutron is often used to start the reaction and it is also a product of the reaction
  1.    neutron emission
  2.    nuclear fusion
  3.    domino effect
  4.    chain reaction
Answer: Option D. -> chain reaction