Angular 2(Computer Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What is used
  1.    Used to link external files
  2.    Used to configure your angular 2 project
  3.    used to install required project packages
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Used to configure your angular 2 project

Question 2. AngularJS 2
  1.    library
  2.    Framework
  3.    Operating System
  4.    programming Language
Answer: Option B. -> Framework

Question 3. Which character is used for chaining multiple pipes in Angular
  1.    :
  2.    -
  3.    \
  4.    |
Answer: Option D. -> |

Question 4. Which of the following filter is used to convert input to all uppercase?
  1.    upper
  2.    uppercase
  3.    toUpper
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option B. -> uppercase

Question 5. Which of the following option is using Angular 2 to detect changes
  1.    Scope.js
  2.    zone$.js
  3.    zone.js
  4.    zones.js
Answer: Option C. -> zone.js

Question 6. Which of the following service has Angular 2, that allows us to dynamically load a component in a certain position on the page?
  1.    DynamicComponentLoader
  2.    DynamicControlLoader
  3.    DynamicControllerLoader
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> DynamicComponentLoader

Question 7. Which of the following is the Advantage Of Aot Compilation?
  1.    Needs cleanup step before compiling
  2.    Need to maintain AOT version of bootstrap file
  3.    Works only with HTML and CSS
  4.    Detect error at build time
Answer: Option D. -> Detect error at build time

Question 8. Which of the following is the New Features Of Angular2?
  1.    Component-Based
  2.    Dependency Injection
  3.    Use of TypeScript
  4.    All of the Above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the Above

Question 9. Angular 2 still does not provide nested components
  1.    False
  2.    True
Answer: Option A. -> False

Question 10. To start working with Angular 2, we need to install the _____________components
  1.    Npm
  2.    Editor
  3.    GIT
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above