Cell Signaling(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What is a function of the second messenger IP3?
  1.    bind to and activate protein kinase A
  2.    activate transcription factors
  3.    convert ATP to cAMP
  4.    bind to and open ligand-gated channels
Answer: Option D. -> bind to and open ligand-gated channels

Question 2. What could be the cause for a cell to undergo apoptosis?
  1.    DNA damage
  2.    Radiation
  3.    Nutrient deficiency
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 3. Apoptosis can't kill which of the following?
  1.    Cell infected with viruses
  2.    Cell with DNA damage
  3.    Cancer cells
  4.    Immune cells
Answer: Option C. -> Cancer cells

Question 4. Which of the following cell organelle actively participates in animal apoptosis?
  1.    Nucleus
  2.    Mitochondria
  3.    Lysosomes
  4.    Vacuoles
Answer: Option B. -> Mitochondria

Question 5. How do bacteria sense local population density?
  1.    quorum sensing
  2.    bacteria sensing
  3.    signal sensing
  4.    population sensing
Answer: Option A. -> quorum sensing

Question 6. What organelle stores calcium?
  1.    smooth ER
  2.    rough ER
  3.    nucleus
  4.    mitochondrion
Answer: Option A. -> smooth ER

Question 7. Which is not a signaling step?
  1.    reception
  2.    transduction
  3.    response
  4.    second messaging
Answer: Option D. -> second messaging

Question 8. How many stages are there to cell conversation?
  1.    4
  2.    6
  3.    3
  4.    87
Answer: Option C. -> 3

Question 9. Synaptic Signaling occurs in which type of cell?
  1.    Muscle cell
  2.    Nervous System cell
  3.    White Blood Cell
  4.    Red Blood
Answer: Option B. -> Nervous System cell

Question 10. Do plant cells communicate using hormones?
  1.    yes
  2.    no
Answer: Option A. -> yes