Genetics(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. When you cross two parents, each parent is responsible for passing _______ of their two alleles for each individual trait
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    4
Answer: Option A. -> 1

Question 2. The heterozygous DOMINANT trait of dimples?
  1.    DD
  2.    dd
  3.    Dd
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option C. -> Dd

Question 3. This is the physical appearance of a trait
  1.    genotype
  2.    phenotype
Answer: Option B. -> phenotype

Question 4. Who is considered the "father" of modern genetics?
  1.    Einstein
  2.    Mendel
  3.    Disney
  4.    Washington
Answer: Option B. -> Mendel

Question 5. Which characteristic did Malek most likely inherit from his parents?
  1.    his ability to read fast
  2.    his need to wear glasses
  3.    his ability to speak English
  4.    his need to count using his fingers
Answer: Option B. -> his need to wear glasses

Question 6. Besides genetics, what other factors are responsible for how you will grow and develop?
  1.    How people treat you
  2.    How hard you study
  3.    Nutrition and environment
  4.    What your parents look like
Answer: Option C. -> Nutrition and environment

Question 7. What is the transmission of traits from parent to offspring?
  1.    heredity
  2.    genetics
  3.    cell bio
  4.    chem
Answer: Option A. -> heredity

Question 8. Y for yellow body is dominant over y for blue body
  1.    YY,yy
  2.    Yy,yy
  3.    YY only
  4.    YY,Yy
Answer: Option D. -> YY,Yy

Question 9. Who was Gregor Mendel?
  1.    Father of genetics
  2.    Father of cells
  3.    Coined the term heredity
  4.    No one
Answer: Option A. -> Father of genetics

Question 10. Which of the following genotypes is heterozygous?
  1.    Bb
  2.    BB
  3.    bb
  4.    B
Answer: Option A. -> Bb