Thermal Engineering(Engineering > Mechanical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The velocity of steam leaving the nozzle (V) is given by (where K = Nozzle coefficient or nozzle efficiency, and hd = Enthalpy or heat drop during expansion of steam in a nozzle)
  1.    V = 44.72 hdkh_d\sqrt{k}hd​k​
  2.    V = 44.72 khdk\sqrt{h_d}khd​​
  3.    V = 44.72 khd\sqrt{kh_d}khd​​
  4.    V = 44.72 khdkh_dkhd​
Answer: Option C. -> V = 44.72 khd\sqrt{kh_d}khd​​

Question 2. In an isolated system, ________ can be transferred between the system and its surrounding
  1.    Only energy
  2.    Only mass
  3.    both energy and mass
  4.    neither energy nor mass
Answer: Option D. -> neither energy nor mass

Question 3. The critical pressure gives the velocity of steam at the throat equal to the velocity of sound
  1.    Agree
  2.    Disagree
Answer: Option A. -> Agree

Question 4. Heat balance in a boiler furnace is improved by sending air to the furnace
  1.    At low temperature
  2.    At high temperature
  3.    Does not depends on temperature
  4.    depends on pressure
Answer: Option B. -> At high temperature

Question 5. The heat balance sheet for the boiler shows the
  1.    complete account of heat supplied by 1 kg of dry fuel and the heat consumed
  2.    moisture present in the fuel
  3.    steam formed by combustion of hydrogen per kg of fuel
  4.    complete combustion of one kg of fuel
Answer: Option A. -> complete account of heat supplied by 1 kg of dry fuel and the heat consumed

Question 6. The performance of a boiler is NOT measured by the
  1.    amount of water evaporated per hour
  2.    steam produced in kg/h
  3.    steam produced in kg/kg of fuel burnt
  4.    complete combustion of one kg of fuel per hour
Answer: Option D. -> complete combustion of one kg of fuel per hour

Question 7. Which of the following depends on physical properties of fluids as well as geometry of the heat exchanger?
  1.    Fouling coefficient
  2.    Overall heat transfer coefficient
  3.    LMTD (Log Mean Temperature Difference)
  4.    Effectiveness
Answer: Option B. -> Overall heat transfer coefficient

Question 8. Dribbling a basketball is an example of
  1.    potential energy
  2.    stored energy
  3.    temperature
  4.    kinetic energy
Answer: Option D. -> kinetic energy

Question 9. Objects with MORE MASS have______________
  1.    lower potential energy
  2.    lower number of atoms
  3.    higher thermal energy
  4.    higher temperature
Answer: Option C. -> higher thermal energy

Question 10. Bottoming cycle cogeneration is characterized by
  1.    Heat first power later
  2.    Only Heat
  3.    Power First and Heat Later
  4.    Only Power
Answer: Option A. -> Heat first power later