Hydrogen Bonding(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Simulations were ran at which of the following time frame?
  1.    0.1 psec for 100 sec
  2.    Once every 24 hrs
  3.    No frames existed
  4.    30 sec
Answer: Option A. -> 0.1 psec for 100 sec

Question 2. An Intrapeptide bond is a bond between which of the following?
  1.    Peptide-Hydrogen bond
  2.    Peptide-Water bond
  3.    Peptide-Peptide bond
  4.    Peptide-Amino acid sequence
Answer: Option C. -> Peptide-Peptide bond

Question 3. Hydrogen bonding occurs in molecules when ___________________
  1.    a hydrogen atom forms a covalent bond with another atom.
  2.    a hydrogen atom in a molecule forms a bond with any atom.
  3.    a hydrogen atoms form an ionic bond with another atom on an adjacent molecule.
  4.    a hydrogen atom bonded to F, O or N is attracted to an electron pair on a F, O or N atom on an adjacent molecule.
Answer: Option D. -> a hydrogen atom bonded to F, O or N is attracted to an electron pair on a F, O or N atom on an adjacent molecule.

Question 4. Which of these is not an intermolecular force?
  1.    covalent bonding
  2.    hydrogen bonding
  3.    Van Der Waals forces
  4.    dipole-dipole forces
Answer: Option A. -> covalent bonding

Question 5. Which is thermodynamically favored, peptide-peptide bonds or peptide-water bonds?
  1.    Intrapeptdie bonds
  2.    Peptide-Peptide bonds
  3.    Interpeptide bonds
  4.    Both A & B
Answer: Option D. -> Both A & B

Question 6. What instruments were used in this research paper?
  1.    Gas Chromatography
  2.    Mass Spectrometry
  3.    X-ray crystallography and Calorimetry
  4.    SDS-PAGE
Answer: Option C. -> X-ray crystallography and Calorimetry

Question 7. What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds one molecule of water can form?
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    4
Answer: Option D. -> 4

Question 8. When was the reseacrh paper written?
  1.    1776
  2.    1955
  3.    2004
  4.    2005
Answer: Option D. -> 2005

Question 9. How do you define electronegativity?
  1.    Measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons
  2.    Measure of the tendency of an atom to repel a bonding pair of electrons
  3.    Measure of the attractive force between hydrogen and a neighbouring atom
  4.    Measure of the amount of sharing capability of electrons
Answer: Option A. -> Measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons

Question 10. Hydrogen Bonds typically occur between atoms of hydrogen involved in this type of bond:
  1.    Ionic
  2.    Nonpolar Covalent
  3.    Polar Covalent
  4.    Nonpolar AND Polar Covalent
Answer: Option C. -> Polar Covalent