Relative Velocity(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. A car is moving with 20m/s velocity, another car is moving with a velocity of 50 m/s
  1.    20 m/s
  2.    25 m/s
  3.    -30 m/s
  4.    30 m/s
Answer: Option C. -> -30 m/s

Question 2. If two bodies are moving in opposite directions with non-zero velocities, which of the following statements is true?
  1.    Relative velocity > Absolute velocity
  2.    Relative velocity < Absolute velocity
  3.    Relative velocity = Absolute velocity
  4.    Relative velocity
Answer: Option A. -> Relative velocity > Absolute velocity

Question 3. The relative velocity of a body A with respect to a body B is 5 m/s
  1.    0m/s
  2.    -5m/s
  3.    10m/s
  4.    15m/s
Answer: Option D. -> 15m/s

Question 4. What is the correct formula for relative velocity of a body A with respect to B?
  1.    Vector VR = Vector VB – Vector VA
  2.    Vector VR = Vector VA x Vector VB
  3.    Vector VR = Vector VA + Vector VB
  4.    Vector VR = Vector VA – Vector VB
Answer: Option D. -> Vector VR = Vector VA – Vector VB

Question 5. A body is moving with respect to a stationary frame, its motion can be called _____
  1.    Absolute
  2.    Relative
  3.    Circular
  4.    Parabolic
Answer: Option A. -> Absolute

Question 6. A point A is placed at a distance of 7 m from the origin, another point B is placed at a distance of 10 m from the origin
  1.    -3 m from A
  2.    3 m from A
  3.    4 m from A
  4.    5 m from A
Answer: Option B. -> 3 m from A

Question 7. An observer is sitting on a car moving with some constant velocity
  1.    Relative frame of reference
  2.    Absolute frame of reference
  3.    Valid frame of reference
  4.    Ground frame of reference
Answer: Option A. -> Relative frame of reference

Question 8. A body A is moving in North direction, while another body B is moving towards South
  1.    Velocity of A with respect to B
  2.    Velocity of B with respect to A
  3.    Velocity of A with respect to ground
  4.    Velocity of B with respect to ground
Answer: Option A. -> Velocity of A with respect to B

Question 9. What does relative motion signify?
  1.    The motion of a body with respect to other body
  2.    Uniformly accelerated
  3.    Non-uniformly accelerated
  4.    Motion along a curve
Answer: Option B. -> Uniformly accelerated

Question 10. X moves at a speed of 65 km/hr while Y who is behind X moves at a speed of 80 km/hr
  1.    15 km/hr
  2.    60 km/hr
  3.    80 km/hr
  4.    145 km/hr
Answer: Option A. -> 15 km/hr