Vitamins And Minerals(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Vitamin C deficiency is called
  1.    Rickets
  2.    Osteoporosis
  3.    Scurvy
Answer: Option C. -> Scurvy

Question 2. Which of the following vitamins play a very key role in eyesight including night vision and color recognition?
  1.    a. vitamin A
  2.    b. vitamin B
  3.    c. vitamin K
  4.    d. all of the above
Answer: Option A. -> a. vitamin A

Question 3. A diet lacking in ___________ leads to the development of a disease known as scurvy
  1.    Vitamin A
  2.    Vitamin B
  3.    Vitamin C
  4.    Vitamin D
Answer: Option C. -> Vitamin C

Question 4. Vitamins are nutrients
  1.    Macronutrient
  2.    Micronutrient
  3.    Big nutrient
  4.    Small nutrient
Answer: Option B. -> Micronutrient

Question 5. The diet which contains all the nutrients in proper amount is called
  1.    Proper Meal
  2.    Complete food
  3.    Balanced diet
  4.    Buffet
Answer: Option C. -> Balanced diet

Question 6. Proteins, fats, and carbs are known as _______________ because they are needed in large amounts
  1.    micronutrients
  2.    masconutrients
  3.    macronutrients
  4.    micros
Answer: Option C. -> macronutrients

Question 7. Beta-carotene and retinol are two types of vitamin ______
  1.    Vitamin A
  2.    Vitamin B
  3.    Vitamin C
  4.    Vitamin D
Answer: Option A. -> Vitamin A

Question 8. Micronutrients are needed in large amounts
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False

Question 9. Which if the following foods are rich in Vitamin A?
  1.    a. milk fortified with vitamin A
  2.    b. liver
  3.    c. orange fruits and vegetables (like cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes)
  4.    d. all of the above
Answer: Option D. -> d. all of the above

Question 10. Goblins give your blood it's red color
  1.    True
  2.    False
Answer: Option B. -> False