Mass Defect(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The Carbon-12 atom is used by physicists to establish
  1.    the charge on an electron.
  2.    the low point on a mass defect graph.
  3.    the gram and kilogram units.
  4.    the atomic mass unit.
Answer: Option D. -> the atomic mass unit.

Question 2. Choose the answer that correctly describes Iron
  1.    Iron has a heavier atom than carbon and a heavier proton also.
  2.    Iron has a heavier atom than gold but a lighter proton
  3.    Iron has a lighter atom than lead and a lighter proton also.
  4.    All three statements are equally correct.
Answer: Option C. -> Iron has a lighter atom than lead and a lighter proton also.

Question 3. Which is a definition of mass defect?
  1.    The difference between the mass of a nucleus and the mass of the atom
  2.    The difference between the mass of a nucleus and the mass of the neutrons in the nucleus
  3.    The difference between the mass of the nucleus and the mass of nucleons when separated
  4.    The difference between the mass of an nucleus and the mass of the protons in the nucleus
Answer: Option C. -> The difference between the mass of the nucleus and the mass of nucleons when separated

Question 4. Main sequence stars of all masses are fusing what element to make helium
  1.    hydrogen
  2.    iron
  3.    gold
  4.    beryllium
Answer: Option A. -> hydrogen

Question 5. The atomic mass of Hydrogen is
  1.    1.008
  2.    4.003
  3.    15.999
  4.    8.001
Answer: Option A. -> 1.008

Question 6. Which equation links mass and energy?
  1.    E=mc
  2.    E=m2c
  3.    E=mc2
  4.    E=m2c2
Answer: Option C. -> E=mc2

Question 7. The atomic mass of Helium is
  1.    1.008
  2.    4.003
  3.    15.999
  4.    9.001
Answer: Option B. -> 4.003

Question 8. What happens to the extra
  1.    nothing it just stays in the star
  2.    released as energy
  3.    there is no left over matter
  4.    stars are dumb
Answer: Option B. -> released as energy

Question 9. Mass of electrons equals to ______
  1.    0
  2.    1
  3.    2
  4.    3
Answer: Option A. -> 0

Question 10. Mass of protons is _________ amu
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    0
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option A. -> 1