Fatty Acid Catabolism(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The long-chain fatty acids get transported through the inner mitochondrial membrane
  1.    freely
  2.    as acyl-CoA derivative
  3.    as carnitine derivative
  4.    require sodium-dependent carrier
Answer: Option C. -> as carnitine derivative

Question 2. Where do the long-chain fatty acids get first activated?
  1.    Microsomes
  2.    Mitochondria
  3.    Cytosol
  4.    Nucleus
Answer: Option C. -> Cytosol

Question 3. In what compartment does the de novo fatty acid synthesis occur?
  1.    Mitochondria
  2.    Peroxisome
  3.    Cytosol
  4.    Endoplasmic reticulum
Answer: Option C. -> Cytosol

Question 4. Which of the following undergoes β-oxidation?
  1.    Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  2.    Monounsaturated fatty acids
  3.    Saturated fatty acids
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 5. The free fatty acids are transported by blood associated with
  1.    a fatty acid-binding protein
  2.    β -lipoprotein
  3.    albumin
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option C. -> albumin

Question 6. What is the allosteric regulator of acetyl CoA carboxylase?
  1.    Fatty acid
  2.    ATP
  3.    Citrate
  4.    Acetyl CoA
Answer: Option C. -> Citrate

Question 7. The irreversibility of the thiokinase reactions (formation of acyl-CoA)
  1.    is due to the subsequent hydrolysis of the PPi product.
  2.    makes this activation (or "priming") reaction the committed step on the pathway.
  3.    The first and second choices are both correct.
  4.    applies only to even-chain fatty acids.
Answer: Option C. -> The first and second choices are both correct.

Question 8. Lipoprotein lipase acts in:
  1.    hydrolysis of triacylglycerol's of plasma lipoproteins to supply fatty acids to various tissues.
  2.    intestinal uptake of dietary fat.
  3.    intracellular lipid breakdown of lipoproteins.
  4.    none of the above.
Answer: Option A. -> hydrolysis of triacylglycerol's of plasma lipoproteins to supply fatty acids to various tissues.

Question 9. Which of these is able to cross the inner mitochondrial membrane?
  1.    Acetyl–CoA
  2.    Fatty acyl–carnitine
  3.    Fatty acyl–CoA
  4.    Malonyl–CoA
Answer: Option B. -> Fatty acyl–carnitine

Question 10. What is the precursor for fatty acid synthesis?
  1.    Propionyl CoA
  2.    Acetyl CoA
  3.    Succinyl CoA
  4.    Acetoacetyl CoA
Answer: Option B. -> Acetyl CoA