Titration(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The reaction of perchloric acid (HClO4) with lithium hydroxide (KOH) is described by the equationHClO4 + KOH → KClO4 + H2OSuppose 100 mL of perchloric acid is neutralized by exactly 50,0 mL of 1
  1.    0.5M
  2.    50M
  3.    2.0M
  4.    1.0M
Answer: Option A. -> 0.5M

Question 2. The titre is the ------------ of liquid delivered by the burette during a titration
  1.    volume
  2.    mass
  3.    mole
  4.    concentration
Answer: Option A. -> volume

Question 3. What is the endpoint
  1.    When the indicator is added
  2.    When neutralisation occurs
  3.    When the standard solution is prepare
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option B. -> When neutralisation occurs

Question 4. Calculate the volume of a 0
  1.    43.5 ml
  2.    87 ml
  3.    23.3 ml
  4.    51.9 ml
Answer: Option A. -> 43.5 ml

Question 5. If it takes 50 mL of 0
  1.    0.2 M
  2.    5 M
  3.    0.5 M
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option A. -> 0.2 M

Question 6. Using n = MV, calculate the mass of sodium phthalate required to prepare 1
  1.    483 g
  2.    48.3 g
  3.    500 g
  4.    Both A & B
Answer: Option A. -> 483 g

Question 7. Which of the following indicators can be used in titration
  1.    Phenolphtalein
  2.    Universal indicator
  3.    Methlyorange
  4.    Litmus solution
Answer: Option C. -> Methlyorange

Question 8. Which solution would you place in a burette
  1.    Standard solution
  2.    Unknown concentration solution
  3.    Indicator
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Unknown concentration solution

Question 9. Which solution would you place in a conical flask
  1.    Standard solution
  2.    Unknown concentration solution
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    Indicator
Answer: Option C. -> Both A & B

Question 10. Which of these titres are concordant?
  1.    12.3cm3
  2.    12.0cm3
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    12.4cm3
Answer: Option C. -> Both A & B