Health And Hygiene(General Knowledge > General Science ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Are gloves and sanitizers a replacement of proper hand washing?
  1.    yes
  2.    no
  3.    hand sanitizer is, but gloves are not
  4.    none of these
Answer: Option B. -> no

Question 2. Water fire extinguishers are the following colour
  1.    Blue
  2.    Red
  3.    Black
  4.    Cream
Answer: Option B. -> Red

Question 3. Which of these measures are common for preventing both the communicable and non communicable diseases
  1.    quarantine
  2.    balanced diet
  3.    vaccines
  4.    spraying antiseptic chemicals
Answer: Option B. -> balanced diet

Question 4. One of the best ways to reduce the incidence and spread of diseases is not by
  1.    correct handwashing
  2.    getting vaccines
  3.    having poor hygiene
  4.    following advice and guidelines of doctors and clinics
Answer: Option C. -> having poor hygiene

Question 5. Which of the following is an example of having good personal hygiene?
  1.    putting on clean clothes after running hard at your soccer game.
  2.    eating without washing your hands.
  3.    not taking shower after you play outside in the mud.
  4.    brushing your teeth once a week.
Answer: Option A. -> putting on clean clothes after running hard at your soccer game.

Question 6. Warning Signs- What do blue signs indicate?
  1.    Mandatory
  2.    Information
  3.    Warning
  4.    Prohibited
Answer: Option A. -> Mandatory

Question 7. Washing hands after going to the toilet helps stop the spread of________,__________,___________
  1.    Germs, Viruses, Bacteria
  2.    Sand, Dust, Bacteria
  3.    Viruses, Dust, Sand
  4.    Dust, Water, Sand
Answer: Option A. -> Germs, Viruses, Bacteria

Question 8. Which healthcare worker cares for patients, communicates with Doctors and administer medication?
  1.    Radiologist
  2.    Nurse
  3.    Dentist
  4.    Optometrist
Answer: Option B. -> Nurse

Question 9. While we are practicing good personal hygiene, which characteristic of living things are we displaying?
  1.    Nutrition
  2.    Respiration
  3.    Movement
  4.    Sensitivity/Responding to stimuli
Answer: Option C. -> Movement

Question 10. Which of these diseases spreads through direct contact?
  1.    chicken pox
  2.    measles
  3.    ring worms
  4.    all of the above
Answer: Option D. -> all of the above