Html5(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Html ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following HTML 4 attributes is removed in HTML5?
  1.    link
  2.    text
  3.    all of the mentioned
  4.    rules
Answer: Option C. -> all of the mentioned

Question 2. Which of the following element is removed by HTML5?
  1.    vlink
  2.    marginwidth
  3.    dir
  4.    compact
Answer: Option C. -> dir

Question 3. __________ defines the accelerator key to be used for keyboard access to an element.
  1.    accesskey
  2.    data-X
  3.    command
  4.    rp
Answer: Option A. -> accesskey

Question 4. Which of the following is not a newly added element in HTML5?
  1.    nav
  2.    article
  3.    frameset
  4.    audio
Answer: Option C. -> frameset

Question 5. Which of the following element represents the header of a section or the document and contains a label or other heading information for the related content?
  1.    mark
  2.    header
  3.    data-X
  4.    meter
Answer: Option B. -> header

Question 6. Which of the following element sets is an item of microdata?
  1.    none of the mentioned
  2.    itemscope
  3.    itemtype
  4.    itemref
Answer: Option B. -> itemscope

Question 7. ___________ defines a group of content that should be used as a figure and may be labeled by a legend element.
  1.    details
  2.    output
  3.    figure
  4.    aside
Answer: Option C. -> figure

Question 8. Which element may be used within content to represent material that is tangential?
  1.    aside
  2.    cite
  3.    article
  4.    class
Answer: Option A. -> aside

Question 9. Which element is used to define a discrete unit of content such as a blogpost, comment, and so on?
  1.    section
  2.    article
  3.    none of the mentioned
  4.    class
Answer: Option D. -> class

Question 10. HTML5 documents may contains a ___________ element, which is used to set the header section of a document.
  1.    none of the mentioned
  2.    header
  3.    footer
  4.    section
Answer: Option B. -> header