Quantities And Units(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Eighteen thousand watts is the same as
  1.    18 µW
  2.    18 mW
  3.    18 MW
  4.    18 kW
Answer: Option D. -> 18 kW

Question 2. The number 3.2 × 10–5 A expressed using a metric prefix is
  1.    3.3 µA
  2.    320 mA
  3.    32 µA
  4.    3,200 mA
Answer: Option C. -> 32 µA

Question 3. The number 4.4 × 106 ohms expressed using a metric prefix is
  1.    4 M
  2.    4.4 M
  3.    4.4 k
  4.    4 k
Answer: Option B. -> 4.4 M

Question 4. The number of microamperes in 2 milliamperes is
  1.    200 µA
  2.    20 µA
  3.    2,000 µA
  4.    2 µA
Answer: Option C. -> 2,000 µA

Question 5. The number of millivolts in 0.06 kilovolts is
  1.    600,000 mV
  2.    6,000 mV
  3.    60,000 mV
  4.    600 V
Answer: Option C. -> 60,000 mV

Question 6. When converting 0.16 mA to microamperes, the result is
  1.    1,600 µA
  2.    16 µA
  3.    160 µA
  4.    0.0016 µA
Answer: Option C. -> 160 µA

Question 7. When these numbers are added, (87 × 105) + (2.5 × 106), the result is
  1.    1,120 × 106
  2.    112 × 105
  3.    1.12 × 104
  4.    11.2 × 105
Answer: Option B. -> 112 × 105

Question 8. Which of the following is not an electrical quantity?
  1.    current
  2.    voltage
  3.    power
  4.    distance
Answer: Option D. -> distance

Question 9. Seven thousand volts can be expressed as
  1.    7 mV
  2.    either 7 kV or 7 mV
  3.    7 MV
  4.    7 kV
Answer: Option D. -> 7 kV

Question 10. The quantity 3.3 × 103 is the same as
  1.    33000
  2.    0.0033
  3.    330
  4.    3300
Answer: Option D. -> 3300