Web Data Management(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. XQuery is the ?
  1.    query language for XSL
  2.    query language for XHTML
  3.    query language for XSLT
  4.    query language for XML
Answer: Option D. -> query language for XML

Question 2. Which of these share the same data model and supports the same functions and operators ?
  1.    XQuery 1.1 and XPath 2.0
  2.    XQuery 1.0 and XPath 1.0
  3.    XQuery 1.0.1 and XPath 2.0.1
  4.    XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0
Answer: Option D. -> XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0

Question 3. XQuery is a language for finding and extracting the elements and attributes from ?
  1.    database
  2.    XML documents
  3.    files
  4.    tables
Answer: Option B. -> XML documents

Question 4. XQuery for XML is like SQL for ?
  1.    PL/SQL
  2.    Oracle
  3.    tables
  4.    database
Answer: Option D. -> database

Question 5. XQuery uses ______ to address specific parts of an XML document.
  1.    XHTML syntax
  2.    XSL syntax
  3.    XSLT syntax
  4.    XPath syntax
Answer: Option D. -> XPath syntax

Question 6. What is FLWOR ?
  1.    For, Let,Where as,Object,Record
  2.    Foreach,Let,Where as,Object,Record
  3.    For, Let, Where, Order by, Return
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option C. -> For, Let, Where, Order by, Return

Question 7. For which of theses the XQuery can't be used ?
  1.    Search Web documents for relevant information
  2.    None of these
  3.    Generate summary reports
  4.    Transform XML data to XHTML
Answer: Option B. -> None of these

Question 8. XQuery uses _______ to limit the extracted data from the XML documents.
  1.    from-to
  2.    predicates
  3.    limit
  4.    None of the
Answer: Option B. -> predicates

Question 9. In XQuery, how many types of node are present ?
  1.    5
  2.    7
  3.    8
  4.    6
Answer: Option B. -> 7

Question 10. What is the right syntax of the doc() function ?
  1.    doc("bookdetails.xml")
  2.    doc(bookdetails.xml);
  3.    doc("bookdetails.xml");
  4.    doc('bookdetails.xml')
Answer: Option A. -> doc("bookdetails.xml")