Digital Computer Electronics(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. An OR gate can be imagined as
  1.    All of these
  2.    switches connected in series
  3.    switches connected in parallel
  4.    None of these
  5.    MOS transistors connected in series
Answer: Option C. -> switches connected in parallel

Question 2. The functional difference between SR flip-flop and JK flip-flop is that
  1.    JK flip-flop accepts both inputs 1
  2.    JK flip-flop is faster than SR flip-flop
  3.    JK flip-flop does not require external clock
  4.    JK flip-flop has a feed back path
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option A. -> JK flip-flop accepts both inputs 1

Question 3. Address 200H contains the byte 3FH. What is the decimal equivalent of 3FH
  1.    None of these
  2.    63
  3.    16
  4.    38
  5.    32
Answer: Option B. -> 63

Question 4. Conversion of decimal number 6110 to it's binary number equivalent is
  1.    None of these
  2.    110011102
  3.    1111012
  4.    1100112
  5.    111112
Answer: Option C. -> 1111012

Question 5. Conversion of an octal number 1128 to hexadecimal number is
  1.    4A16
  2.    2016
  3.    1516
  4.    5A16
  5.    None of these
Answer: Option A. -> 4A16

Question 6. A positive AND gate is also a negative
  1.    None of these
  2.    NAND gate
  3.    NOR gate
  4.    AND gate
  5.    OR gate
Answer: Option E. -> OR gate

Question 7. The inverter OR gate and AND gate are called decision-making elements because they can recognize some input _____ while disregarding others. A gate recognizes a word when its output is _____
  1.    character, low
  2.    words, high
  3.    bytes, high
  4.    None of these
  5.    bytes, low
Answer: Option B. -> words, high

Question 8. ASCII and EBCDIC differ in
  1.    None of these
  2.    the random and sequential access method
  3.    their efficiency in storing data
  4.    the number of bytes used to store characters
  5.    their collecting sequences
Answer: Option E. -> their collecting sequences

Question 9. In which code the successive code characters differ in only one bit position?
  1.    algebraic code
  2.    None of these
  3.    8421 code
  4.    excess 3 code
  5.    gray code
Answer: Option E. -> gray code

Question 10. Conversion of binary number 1011012 to hexadecimal is
  1.    None of these
  2.    3716
  3.    20000000000000000
  4.    2716
  5.    2D16
Answer: Option E. -> 2D16