Object Oriented Database(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Database System ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. ODL supports which of the following types of association relationships?
  1.    Unary and Binary
  2.    Unary and Binary and Ternary and higher
  3.    Unary
  4.    Unary and Binary and Ternary
Answer: Option A. -> Unary and Binary

Question 2. Identify the class name for the following code: ABC123 course();
  1.    course
  2.    course()
  3.    All of these
  4.    ABC123
Answer: Option D. -> ABC123

Question 3. Using ODL, you can define which of the following?
  1.    Structure
  2.    All of these
  3.    Attribute
  4.    Operation
Answer: Option B. -> All of these

Question 4. The keyword "inverse" is used in which of the following?
  1.    Relationship
  2.    Class
  3.    Attribute
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option A. -> Relationship

Question 5. An extent is which of the following?
  1.    Only one instance of a class within a database
  2.    The set of all instances of a class within a database
  3.    A keyword that indicates that the superclass inherits from a subclass
  4.    A keyword that indicates that the subclass inherits from a superclass
Answer: Option B. -> The set of all instances of a class within a database

Question 6. An atomic literal is which of the following?
  1.    Strings
  2.    Boolean
  3.    Long
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 7. Which of the following is an unordered collection of elements that may contain duplicates?
  1.    List
  2.    Dictionary
  3.    Bag
  4.    Set
Answer: Option C. -> Bag

Question 8. Which of the following is true concerning an ODBMS?
  1.    All of these
  2.    They are most useful for traditional, two-dimensional database table applications.
  3.    They have the ability to store complex data types on the Web.
  4.    They are overtaking RDBMS for all applications.
Answer: Option C. -> They have the ability to store complex data types on the Web.

Question 9. The object definition language (ODL) is which of the following?
  1.    All of these
  2.    Used to develop logical schemas
  3.    A method to implement a logical schema
  4.    A data definition language for OODB
Answer: Option A. -> All of these

Question 10. The reserved word enum is used for which of the following?
  1.    To define a range for a relationship.
  2.    To define a range for an attribute.
  3.    To define a range for a class.
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option B. -> To define a range for an attribute.