The Internet Database Environment(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Database System ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)?
  1.    The protocol to copy files between computers
  2.    The hardware/software protocol that limits access to company data
  3.    The transfer protocol to transfer Web pages to a browser
  4.    The database access protocol for SQL statements
Answer: Option C. -> The transfer protocol to transfer Web pages to a browser

Question 2. Which of the following is true concerning Web services standards?
  1.    Not necessary at this time.
  2.    Led by only one group.
  3.    Important so that the web can flourish.
  4.    Helped by cooperation between companies.
Answer: Option C. -> Important so that the web can flourish.

Question 3. Features of XML include which of the following?
  1.    All of these
  2.    The tags are used to describe the appearance of the content.
  3.    Addresses the structuring and manipulation of the data involved.
  4.    Governs the display of information in a Web browser.
Answer: Option C. -> Addresses the structuring and manipulation of the data involved.

Question 4. An intrusion detection system does not perform which of the following?
  1.    May transmit message packets to the correct destination.
  2.    May monitor packets passing over the network.
  3.    Tries to identify attempts to hack into a computer system.
  4.    Set up deception systems that attempt to trap hackers.
Answer: Option A. -> May transmit message packets to the correct destination.

Question 5. Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is which of the following?
  1.    An interface that accepts and returns data that may be written in SQL.
  2.    An interface that accepts and returns data that may be written in any language that produces an executable file.
  3.    A small program that executes within another application and is stored on the server.
  4.    A small program that executes within another application and is stored on the client.
Answer: Option B. -> An interface that accepts and returns data that may be written in any language that produces an executable file.

Question 6. A server-side extension is needed to do what?
  1.    Allow a request from a client to access a HTML-formatted page.
  2.    All of these
  3.    Allow a request from a client to access the database.
  4.    Allow a request from a client to access Web pages.
Answer: Option C. -> Allow a request from a client to access the database.

Question 7. XML is which of the following?
  1.    A scripting language that allows the creation of customized tags.
  2.    A scripting language that states the rules for tagging elements.
  3.    A programming language that allows the creation of customized tags.
  4.    A programming language that states the rules for tagging elements.
Answer: Option A. -> A scripting language that allows the creation of customized tags.

Question 8. Which of the following is true about ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)?
  1.    It is executed on the client.
  2.    It allows for coding of custom tags in an HTML file.
  3.    It does not use tags.
  4.    It is stored in .asp files.
Answer: Option B. -> It allows for coding of custom tags in an HTML file.

Question 9. An intranet provides which of the following?
  1.    Connectivity to selected customers
  2.    Connectivity to all customers
  3.    All of these
  4.    Connectivity to no customers
Answer: Option D. -> Connectivity to no customers

Question 10. Client-side extensions:
  1.    add functionality to the server.
  2.    add functionality to the network.
  3.    add functionality to the firewall.
  4.    add functionality to the browser.
Answer: Option D. -> add functionality to the browser.