Big Data Analytics(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. According to analysts, for what can traditional IT systems provide a foundation when they're integrated with big data technologies like Hadoop?
  1.    Big data management and data mining
  2.    Data warehousing and business intelligence
  3.    Management of Hadoop clusters
  4.    Collecting and storing unstructured data
Answer: Option A. -> Big data management and data mining

Question 2. __________ has the world's largest Hadoop cluster.
  1.    Apple
  2.    Datamatics
  3.    Facebook
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> Facebook

Question 3. All of the following accurately describe Hadoop, EXCEPT:
  1.    Open source
  2.    Real-time
  3.    Java-based
  4.    Distributed computing approach
Answer: Option B. -> Real-time

Question 4. What are the five V's of Big Data?
  1.    Volume
  2.    Velocity
  3.    Variety
  4.    All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 5. _________ hides the limitations of Java behind a powerful and concise Clojure API for Cascading.
  1.    Scalding
  2.    Cascalog
  3.    Hcatalog
  4.    Hcalding
Answer: Option B. -> Cascalog

Question 6. What are the main components of Big Data?
  1.    MapReduce
  2.    HDFS
  3.    YARN
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 7. What are the different features of Big Data Analytics?
  1.    Open-Source
  2.    Scalability
  3.    Data Recovery
  4.    All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 8. Define the Port Numbers for NameNode, Task Tracker and Job Tracker.
  1.    NameNode
  2.    Task Tracker
  3.    Job Tracker
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 9. Facebook Tackles Big Data With _______ based on Hadoop
  1.    Project Prism
  2.    Prism
  3.    ProjectData
  4.    ProjectBid
Answer: Option A. -> Project Prism

Question 10. What is a unit of data that flows through a Flume agent?
  1.    Record
  2.    Event
  3.    Row
  4.    Log
Answer: Option B. -> Event