Svg(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The rx and the ry attributes _______ the corners of the rectangle
  1.    bends
  2.    clears
  3.    sharps
  4.    rounds
Answer: Option D. -> rounds

Question 2. SVG defines the graphics in _______ format
  1.    PHP
  2.    XML
  3.    ASP
  4.    HTML
Answer: Option B. -> XML

Question 3. Which of these are not used to embed the SVG files to HTML?
  1.    embed
  2.    object
  3.    frame
  4.    iframe
Answer: Option C. -> frame

Question 4. If standalone="no" means that the SVG document has a reference to an external file.
  1.    False
  2.    True
  3.    Can't say
  4.    None of these
Answer: Option B. -> True

Question 5. Which of the following stroke property defines different types of ending of a line or outline of any element?
  1.    stroke
  2.    stroke-width
  3.    stroke-linecap
  4.    stroke-dasharray
Answer: Option C. -> stroke-linecap

Question 6. Which of the following is attribute of SVG line?
  1.    x
  2.    y
  3.    x1
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All of the mentioned

Question 7. The x1 attribute defines the ______ of the line on the x-axis
  1.    end
  2.    middle
  3.    start
  4.    Some point
Answer: Option C. -> start

Question 8. Which of the following element is used to create a circle?
  1.    cir
  2.    round
  3.    circle
  4.    ellipse
Answer: Option C. -> circle

Question 9. Which of the following is used to pass points to draw a polygon?
  1.    points
  2.    d
  3.    path
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> points

Question 10. If cx and cy are omitted, the circle's center is set to:
  1.    (100,100)
  2.    to the bottom
  3.    (0,0)
  4.    to the right
Answer: Option C. -> (0,0)