Vba(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following VBA windows shows the code of the active object?
  1.    Explorer Window
  2.    Properties window
  3.    Immediate window
  4.    Code window
Answer: Option D. -> Code window

Question 2. What is the difference between iserror and iserr?
  1.    Iserr excludes #n/A and returns the value
  2.    Both are same
  3.    Iserror excludes #n/A and returns the value
  4.    Iserr returns when the value is #value
Answer: Option A. -> Iserr excludes #n/A and returns the value

Question 3. The Properties window plays an important role in the development of Visual Basic applications. It is mainly used
  1.    To change how objects look and feel
  2.    When opening programs stored on a hard drive
  3.    To allow the developer to graphically design program components
  4.    To set program related options like Program Name, Program Location, etc
Answer: Option A. -> To change how objects look and feel

Question 4. VBA is:
  1.    a Microsoft programming language used to extend Excel functions
  2.    a statistical tool developed by Microsoft for financial analysts
  3.    an open-source programming environment
  4.    a Microsoft programming environment that replaces Excel
Answer: Option A. -> a Microsoft programming language used to extend Excel functions

Question 5. When the user clicks a button, _________ is triggered.
  1.    an event
  2.    a method
  3.    a setting
  4.    a property
Answer: Option A. -> an event

Question 6. Which of the following refers to computer code, in VBA, that performs some action on or with objects?
  1.    Excel function
  2.    Sub-procedure
  3.    Primary key
  4.    Integrity constrain
Answer: Option B. -> Sub-procedure

Question 7. What is Default in VBA among the following?
  1.    Pass By Address
  2.    Pass By Reference
  3.    Pass By Value
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option B. -> Pass By Reference

Question 8. A VBA unit is called a _____
  1.    Subroutine
  2.    Routine
  3.    Macro
  4.    Program
Answer: Option C. -> Macro

Question 9. What are the data types in VBA?
  1.    Boolean
  2.    Byte
  3.    Currency
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 10. Which of the properties in a control's list of properties is used to give the control a meaningful name?
  1.    Text
  2.    ContextMenu
  3.    ControlName
  4.    Name
Answer: Option D. -> Name