Hbase(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The Hbase tables are
  1.    Made read only by setting the read-only option
  2.    Always writeable
  3.    Always read-only
  4.    Are made read only using the query to the table
Answer: Option A. -> Made read only by setting the read-only option

Question 2. Every row in a Hbase table has
  1.    Same number of columns
  2.    Same number of column families
  3.    Different number of columns
  4.    Different number of column families
Answer: Option D. -> Different number of column families

Question 3. In a Map-Side join, we take rows from one table and map it with rows from the other table. The size of one of the table should be
  1.    Enough to fit into memory
  2.    Half the size of the other table
  3.    Double the size of the other table
  4.    Small enough to be located in one physical machine
Answer: Option A. -> Enough to fit into memory

Question 4. Hbase creates a new version of a record during
  1.    Creation of a record
  2.    Modification of a record
  3.    Deletion of a record
  4.    All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 5. HBaseAdmin and ____________ are the two important classes in this package that provide DDL functionalities.
  1.    HTableDescriptor
  2.    HDescriptor
  3.    HTable
  4.    HTabDescriptor
Answer: Option A. -> HTableDescriptor

Question 6. Explain why to use Hbase?
  1.    High capacity storage system
  2.    Distributed design to cater large tables
  3.    Column-Oriented Stores
  4.    All the above
Answer: Option D. -> All the above

Question 7. The _________ Server assigns regions to the region servers and takes the help of Apache ZooKeeper for this task.
  1.    Region
  2.    Master
  3.    Zookeeper
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All of the mentioned

Question 8. When a region does not have recovered.edits file, it indicates.
  1.    No compaction has happened in the region
  2.    Only major compaction has happened
  3.    Only minor compaction has happened
  4.    No write-ahead log replay has happened
Answer: Option D. -> No write-ahead log replay has happened

Question 9. Mention how many operational commands in Hbase?
  1.    Get
  2.    Put
  3.    Delete
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All of the mentioned

Question 10. HBase is ________, defines only column families.
  1.    Row Oriented
  2.    Schema-less
  3.    Fixed Schema
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> Schema-less