Flex(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Spring > Web Flow > Mvc > Rest ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Spring BlazeDS creates existing Spring beans as AMF endpoints.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Error
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> True

Spring BlazeDS lets you expose existing Spring beans as AMF endpoints.

Question 2. View beans from a resource bundle is loaded by.
  1.    ResourceBundleViewResolver
  2.    ResourceBundleView
  3.    ResourceViewResolver
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> ResourceBundleViewResolver

ResourceBundleViewResolver loads view beans from a resource bundle in the classpath root.

Question 3. Alternative way to resolve locales.
  1.    AcceptHeaderLocale
  2.    AcceptHeader
  3.    AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver
  4.    SessionLocaleResolver
Answer: Option D. -> SessionLocaleResolver

Another option of resolving locales is by SessionLocaleResolver.

Question 4. To configure the exception mappings in the web application context.
  1.    SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
  2.    ExceptionResolver
  3.    ExceptionViewResolver
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> SimpleMappingExceptionResolver

Spring MVC comes with the exception resolver SimpleMappingExceptionResolver for you to configure the exception mappings in the web application context.

Question 5. Handler method's annotation.
  1.    @Before
  2.    @Controller
  3.    @After
  4.    @RequestMapping
Answer: Option D. -> @RequestMapping

In order to do so, a controller class's methods are decorated with the @RequestMapping annotation, making them handler methods.

Question 6. Validator field is not assigned to any bean, but rather a factory class of the type.
  1.    javax.validation.Validator
  2.    javax.validation.ValidatorFactory
  3.    javax.validation.ValidatorFactor
  4.    none of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> javax.validation.ValidatorFactory

This is how JSR-303 validation works. The assignment process is done inside the controller's constructor.

Question 7. The source artifacts of a Flex application are:-
  1.    ActionScript files (ending in .as)
  2.    ActionScript files (ending in .mxml)
  3.    All of the mentioned
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> All of the mentioned

The two source artifacts of a Flex application are the ActionScript files (ending in .as) and the .mxml files.

Question 8. To access JSON in a Spring application, library used is:-
  1.    JSON-LIB
  2.    SpringJSON-lib
  3.    JSON-lib
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> JSON-LIB

Though it's technically possible to access JSON in a Spring application (i.e., on the server side), using a third-party Java library like JSON-LIB

Question 9. Spring supports a series of mechanisms to generate a REST service's payload.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Error
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> True

This recipe will explore the simplest mechanism, which involves the use of Spring's MarshallingView class.

Question 10. Attribute used to handle web flow requests.
  1.    servlet-mapping
  2.    servlet-attr
  3.    servlet-flow
  4.    servlet-requests
Answer: Option A. -> servlet-mapping

If you are going to use the legacy JSF request handling at the same time, you will have to specify that.