Arduino(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What does GPIO stand for?
  1.    General Purpose Inner Outer Propeller
  2.    General Purpose Input Output Pins
  3.    General Purpose Interested Old People
  4.    General Purpose Input Output Processor
Answer: Option B. -> General Purpose Input Output Pins

Question 2. What license is Arduino distributed under?
  1.    Proprietary with GNU GPL Ambient user interface
  2.    Proprietary
  3.    Shareware
  4.    LGPL or GPL license
Answer: Option B. -> Proprietary

Question 3. ___________ are pre built circuit boards that fit on top of Android.
  1.    Sensor
  2.    Data types
  3.    Breadboard
  4.    Sheilds
Answer: Option D. -> Sheilds

Question 4. Which board is first to use microcontroller with in build USB?
  1.    LilyPad
  2.    UNO
  3.    RedBoard
  4.    Leonardo
Answer: Option D. -> Leonardo

Question 5. What does IDE stand for?
  1.    In Deep Environment
  2.    Integrated Development Environment
  3.    Internal Deep Escape
  4.    IDE
Answer: Option B. -> Integrated Development Environment

Question 6. A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called _________
  1.    IDE source
  2.    Sketch
  3.    Cryptography
  4.    Source code
Answer: Option B. -> Sketch

Question 7. A function is a series of programming statements that can be called by name. Which command is called once when the program starts:
  1.    loop()
  2.    setup()
  3.    (output)
  4.    (input)
Answer: Option B. -> setup()

Question 8. It starts with a /* and continues until a */ What does this do?
  1.    Loads a sketch
  2.    Makes comments
  3.    Compiles quicker
  4.    Makes stars appear
Answer: Option B. -> Makes comments

Question 9. _________ board allows sewn into clothing.
  1.    UNO
  2.    RedBoard
  3.    LilyPad
  4.    Mega
Answer: Option C. -> LilyPad

Question 10. What is wrong with the following/*Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. This example code is in the public domain.*/int led = 13;void setup() { pinMode(led, INPUT); }void loop() { digitalWrite(led, HIGH); delay(1000);digitalWrite(led, LOW); delay(1000);}
  1.    All the code
  2.    Void
  3.    High and Low
  4.    Low and High
Answer: Option B. -> Void