Storage Structure(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Dbms Questions And Answers ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The storage structure which do not survive system crashes are ______
  1.    Volatile storage
  2.    Non-volatile storage
  3.    Stable storage
  4.    Dynamic storage
Answer: Option A. -> Volatile storage

Volatile storageVolatile storage, is a computer memory that requires power to maintain the stored information, in other words it needs power to reach the computer memory.

Question 2. For a transaction to be durable, its changes need to be written to ________ storage.
  1.    Volatile storage
  2.    Non-volatile storage
  3.    Stable storage
  4.    Dynamic storage
Answer: Option C. -> Stable storage

Stable storageSimilarly, for a transaction to be atomic, log records need to be written to stable storage before any changes are made to the database on disk.

Question 3. Storage devices like tertiary storage , magnetic disk comes under
  1.    Volatile storage
  2.    Non-volatile storage
  3.    Stable storage
  4.    Dynamic storage
Answer: Option B. -> Non-volatile storage

Non-volatile storageInformation residing in nonvolatile storage survives system crashes.

Question 4. A ______ file system is software that enables multiple computers to share file storage while maintaining consistent space allocation and file content.
  1.    Storage
  2.    Tertiary
  3.    Secondary
  4.    Cluster
Answer: Option D. -> Cluster

ClusterWith a cluster file system, the failure of a computer in the cluster does not make the file system unavailable.

Question 5. The unit of storage that can store one are more records in a hash file organization are
  1.    Buckets
  2.    Disk pages
  3.    Blocks
  4.    Nodes
Answer: Option A. -> Buckets

BucketsBuckets are used to store one or more records in a hash file organization.

Question 6. A file produced by a spreadsheet
  1.    is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text format
  2.    can be used as is by the DBMS
  3.    both a and b
  4.    none of the above
Answer: Option A. -> is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text format

is generally stored on disk in an ASCII text formatASCII text format uses the standard text file for the changing the value.

Question 7. SDL means _____________
  1.    Storage Discrete Language
  2.    Storage Definition Language
  3.    Storage Definition Localisation
  4.    Storage Discrete Localisation
Answer: Option B. -> Storage Definition Language

Storage Definition LanguageIt specifies internal schema and also mapping between two schemas.

Question 8. Which of the following is the oldest database model?
  1.    Relational
  2.    Hierarchical
  3.    Physical
  4.    Network
Answer: Option D. -> Network

NetworkNetwork model has data stored in a hierarchical network flow .

Question 9. Which of the following is the process of selecting the data storage and data access characteristics of the database?
  1.    Logical database design
  2.    Physical database design
  3.    Testing and performance tuning
  4.    Evaluation and selecting
Answer: Option B. -> Physical database design

Physical database designPhysical database design is the process of selecting the data storage and data access characteristics of the database.

Question 10. The process of saving information onto secondary storage devices is referred to as
  1.    Backing up
  2.    Restoring
  3.    Writing
  4.    Reading
Answer: Option C. -> Writing

WritingThe information is written into the secondary storage device .