Perl(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Language which features rich text processing capabilities and flexibility is
  1.    Perl
  2.    C
  3.    Visual Basic
  4.    Ada
Answer: Option A. -> Perl

Question 2. Which of the following is used in perl?
  1.    else if
  2.    elseif
  3.    elsif
  4.    elif
Answer: Option C. -> elsif

Question 3. When a string is used for numeral computations, perl converts it into
  1.    character
  2.    floating point number
  3.    number
  4.    boolean value
Answer: Option C. -> number

Question 4. Scalar is denoted by_______in Perl.
  1.    #
  2.    $
  3.    %
  4.    ^
Answer: Option B. -> $

Question 5. In Perl, the words function and subroutines are used interchangeably.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    All the above
  4.    None
Answer: Option A. -> True

Question 6. Select the option which allows the user to scroll through the entire program line by line in Perl.
  1.    Using the strict pragma
  2.    Using the built-in debugger
  3.    Using the string pragma
  4.    Using the built-in error
Answer: Option B. -> Using the built-in debugger

Question 7. When you create a variable, you may assume it starts off containing
  1.    1
  2.    You may not make any assumption
  3.    The boolean value "false"
  4.    A null string (or 0 arithmetically)
Answer: Option C. -> The boolean value "false"

Question 8. Command line arguments in Perl are stored in
  1.    Scalar
  2.    Resource
  3.    Array
  4.    Hash
Answer: Option C. -> Array

Question 9. What will be the value in the variable $a after these two statements: $a = "Happy"; $a = "Sunday";?
  1.    "Happy Sunday"
  2.    "HappySunday"
  3.    "Happy"
  4.    "Sunday"
Answer: Option D. -> "Sunday"

Question 10. Which function is used by perl for displaying the length of a string?
  1.    string
  2.    len
  3.    split
  4.    length
Answer: Option D. -> length