Tableau(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What are the file extensions in Tableau.
  1.    Tableau Workbook (.twb)
  2.    Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx)
  3.    Tableau Data Source(.tds)
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 2. In 2013, what is the percentage of total profit for Caffe Mocha falling under Major Market (Market Size)?
  1.    60%
  2.    45%
  3.    58%
  4.    55%
Answer: Option D. -> 55%

Question 3. What are the components of a Dashboard?
  1.    Horizontal
  2.    Vertical
  3.    Image Extract
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 4. For creating variable size bins we use _____________
  1.    Sets
  2.    Groups
  3.    Calculated fields
  4.    Table Calculations
Answer: Option C. -> Calculated fields

Question 5. What's the disadvantage of context filters?
  1.    The context filter isn't oft-times modified by the user "“ if the filter is modified the info should recompute and rewrite the temporary table, deceleration performance
  2.    When you set a dimension to context, Tableau crates a brief table which will need a reload when the read is initiated
  3.    Both A and B
  4.    None
Answer: Option C. -> Both A and B

Question 6. For creating variable size bins we use _____________
  1.    Sets
  2.    Groups
  3.    Calculated fields
  4.    Table Calculations
Answer: Option C. -> Calculated fields

Question 7. How do you identify a continuous field in Tableau?
  1.    It is identified by a blue pill in the visualization
  2.    It is identified by a green pill in a visualization
  3.    It is preceded by a # symbol in the data window
  4.    When added to the visualization, it produces distinct values
Answer: Option B. -> It is identified by a green pill in a visualization

Question 8. By definition, Tableau displays measures over time as a ____________
  1.    Bar
  2.    Line
  3.    Histogram
  4.    Scatter Plots
Answer: Option B. -> Line

Question 9. Which of the following is not a Trend Line model
  1.    Linear Trend Line
  2.    Exponential Trend Line
  3.    Binomial Trend Line
  4.    Logarithmic Trend Line
Answer: Option C. -> Binomial Trend Line

Question 10. The image below uses which map visualization?
  1.    Filled maps
  2.    Layered maps
  3.    WMS server maps
  4.    Symbol maps
Answer: Option C. -> WMS server maps