Erlang(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What are the key features of Erlang?
  1.    Declarative Syntax: It has got declarative syntax
  2.    Concurrent: It has process based model of concurrency
  3.    Realtime: It programs realtime system
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 2. You could use XSLT to ...
  1.    speed up database queries
  2.    encrypt passwords
  3.    transform XML into HTML
  4.    cache html pages
Answer: Option C. -> transform XML into HTML

Question 3. Dylan, Erlang, Haskell and ML are examples of ... ?
  1.    web languages
  2.    declarative languages
  3.    functional languages
  4.    visual languages
Answer: Option C. -> functional languages

Question 4. Give the list of valid guard expressions?
  1.    Atom true
  2.    Other constants
  3.    Calls to the BIFs specified
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 5. To include a file in Erlang what is the command used?
  1.    include (File)
  2.    include_lib (File)
  3.    All of these
  4.    None
Answer: Option C. -> All of these

Question 6. List out the pre-defined Macros in Erlang?
  1.    Module: It returns the name of the current module
  2.    Module_String: It returns the name of the current module, as a string
  3.    File: It returns the current file name
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 7. A section of code that responds to a particular interaction of the user with a gui control is called a ... ?
  1.    dispatch function
  2.    event handler
  3.    control structure
  4.    exception handler
Answer: Option B. -> event handler

Question 8. RISC is ...
  1.    a defensive programming style
  2.    a web framework
  3.    a threading library
  4.    a CPU design strategy
Answer: Option D. -> a CPU design strategy

Question 9. At Dartmouth College in 1964 John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz invented .... ?
  1.    ALGOL
  2.    BASIC
  3.    FORTRAN
  4.    None
Answer: Option B. -> BASIC

Question 10. A true or false statement put into code that the programmer expects to always be true is an ...
  1.    exception
  2.    harness
  3.    assertion
  4.    expression
Answer: Option C. -> assertion