Remoting(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Spring > Data Access > Transaction Management ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. To expose a service through RMI, you have to create the service interface that extends:-
  1.    java.rmi.Remote
  2.    java.rmi.RemoteException
  3.    all of the mentioned
  4.    none of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> java.rmi.Remote

Question 2. DAO methods require access to the session factory, which can be injected:-
  1.    a setter method
  2.    constructor argument
  3.    none of the mentioned
  4.    all of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> all of the mentioned

To use the contextual session approach, your DAO methods require access to the session factory, which can be injected via a setter method or a constructor argument.

Question 3. PreparedStatementSetter, as its name indicates, create a PreparedStatement object on this connectionthe parameter as well as binding task of the overall update process.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    Error
  4.    None of them
Answer: Option B. -> False

The second callback interface, PreparedStatementSetter, as its name indicates, performs only the parameter binding task of the
overall update process.

Question 4. Interface whose instances can be obtained from a SessionFactory instance.
  1.    Session
  2.    Session Factory
  3.    All of the mentioned
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> Session

In Hibernate, the core interface for object persistence is Session, whose instances can be obtained from a SessionFactory instance.

Question 5. Proxying Spring services with EJB3s, injecting custom resources configured in Spring, or even using Spring to isolate your EJBs from acquiring references to other distributed resources such as a REST endpoint or an RMI endpoint.
  1.    SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor
  2.    SpringBeanAutowiring
  3.    SpringBean
  4.    SpringBeanInterceptor
Answer: Option A. -> SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor

Question 6. Mode which Derby prefers to run in:-
  1.    embedded
  2.    client/server
  3.    all of the mentioned
  4.    none of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> all of the mentioned

Derby can run in either the embedded mode or the client/server mode.

Question 7. SimpleJdbcTemplate offers a convenient batch update method in the form of:-
  1.    Vector
  2.    Set
  3.    Map
  4.    List
Answer: Option D. -> List

SimpleJdbcTemplate offers a convenient batch update method for you to specify a SQL statement and a batch of parameters in the form of List so that you don't need to implement the BatchPreparedStatementSetter interface.

Question 8. To access a database running on the Derby server, you have to add:-
  1.    Derby client library
  2.    Tomcat client library
  3.    All of the mentioned
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> Derby client library

To access a database running on the Derby server, you have to the Derby client library to your CLASSPATH.

Question 9. Transaction's propagation behavior are defined in the:-
  1.    org.springframework.transaction.Transaction
  2.    org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition
  3.    all of the mentioned
  4.    none of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition

These behaviors are defined in the org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition interface.

Question 10. In contrast, the contract-first approach encourages you to think of the service contract first in terms of :-
  1.    XML
  2.    XML Schema(.xsd)
  3.    WSDL
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All of the mentioned