Agile Testing(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Which of the following is NOT one of the five core risk areas common to all projects?
  1.    Specification Breakdown
  2.    Scope Creep
  3.    Strategic Alienation
  4.    Intrinsic Schedule Flaw
Answer: Option C. -> Strategic Alienation

Question 2. Find what is the unit of measurement that is used to measure the size of a user story for an Agile project?
  1.    Function points
  2.    Story points
  3.    Work breakdown points
  4.    Velocity points
Answer: Option B. -> Story points

Question 3. Which of the following is the BEST approach for estimation?
  1.    Expert opinion
  2.    Analogy
  3.    Disaggregation
  4.    A combination of all of the above
Answer: Option D. -> A combination of all of the above

Question 4. There was an Issue In your project and your manager kept asking "why?' several times. Find what is he doing?
  1.    He Is executing collaboration
  2.    He is executing Five whys" a Lean tool
  3.    He Is executing get your attention" tool
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option D. -> None of the above

Question 5. This is one of the estimation technique.It involves splitting a story or feature into smaller, easier-to-estimate pieces.
  1.    Disaggregation
  2.    Triangulation
  3.    Planning Poker
  4.    Velocity Driven estimation
Answer: Option A. -> Disaggregation

Question 6. When is Acceptance Testing performed in Agile development?
  1.    On request of customer
  2.    After system is ready
  3.    At the end of each iteration
  4.    Daily
Answer: Option C. -> At the end of each iteration

Question 7. When acceptance testing is performed in Agile development?
  1.    On request of customer
  2.    After system is ready
  3.    At the end of each iteration
  4.    Daily
Answer: Option C. -> At the end of each iteration

Question 8. If a team can complete 10 story points In an iteration then how long will it take for the team to complete 100 story points?
  1.    10 Iterations
  2.    10 waves
  3.    20 Iterations
  4.    20 waves
Answer: Option A. -> 10 Iterations

Question 9. What is NOT a characteristic of a good user story?
  1.    Value
  2.    Negotiable
  3.    Estimateable
  4.    Dependant
Answer: Option D. -> Dependant

Question 10. Agile is
  1.    Sequential
  2.    Iterative
  3.    Incremental
  4.    Both B & C
Answer: Option D. -> Both B & C