Sqoop(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. The following tool imports a set of tables from an RDBMS to HDFS
  1.    export-all-tables
  2.    import-all-tables
  3.    import-tables
  4.    none of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> import-tables

Question 2. ________ text is appropriate for most non-binary data types.
  1.    Character
  2.    Binary
  3.    Delimited
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> Delimited

Question 3. _________ tool can list all the available database schemas.
  1.    Sqoop-list-tables
  2.    sqoop-list-databases
  3.    sqoop-list-schema
  4.    sqoop-list-columns
Answer: Option B. -> sqoop-list-databases

Question 4. The fields parsed by ____________ are backed by an internal buffer.
  1.    LargeObjectLoader
  2.    ProcessingException
  3.    RecordParser
  4.    None of the Mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> RecordParser

Question 5. The export and import of data between sqoop and relational system happens through which of the following programs?
  1.    Sqoop client program
  2.    Mapreduce job submitted by the sqoop command
  3.    Database stores procedure
  4.    Hdfs file management program
Answer: Option B. -> Mapreduce job submitted by the sqoop command

Question 6. Point out the wrong statement:
  1.    Abstract base class that holds a reference to a Blob or a Clob
  2.    ACCESSORTYPE is the type used to access this data in a streaming fashion
  3.    CONTAINERTYPE is the type used to hold this data (e.g., BytesWritable)
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> None of the mentioned

Question 7. The tool that populates a Hive meta store with a definition for a table based on a database table previously imported to HDFS is
  1.    create-hive-table
  2.    import-hive-meta store
  3.    create-hive-metastore
  4.    update-hive-meta store
Answer: Option B. -> import-hive-meta store

Question 8. How can you avoid importing tables one-by-one when importing a large number of tables from a database?
  1.    Connect
  2.    Username
  3.    Password
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 9. Mention the best features of Apache Sqoop.
  1.    Parallel import/export
  2.    Connectors for all major RDBMS Databases
  3.    Import results of SQL query
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 10. BigDecimal is comprised of a ________ with an integer 'scale' field.
  1.    BigInt
  2.    BigInteger
  3.    MediumInt
  4.    SmallInt
Answer: Option B. -> BigInteger