11g Architecture Options(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Oracle Database ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. What do the schema objects comprise of?
  1.    Table
  2.    Index
  3.    Cluster
  4.    All of the Mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All of the Mentioned

Question 2. You want to be warned automatically when more than 100 sessions are opened with your database instance.Identify the action that would help you achieve this.
  1.    Set the TRACE_ENABLED parameter to TRUE
  2.    Set the threshold for the Current Logons Count metric
  3.    Set the LOG_CHECKPOINT_TO_ALERT parameter to TRUE
  4.    Set the SESSIONS_PER_USER limit in the profiles used by users
Answer: Option B. -> Set the threshold for the Current Logons Count metric

A metric is defined as the rate of change in some cumulative statistic. This rate can be measured against a variety of units, including time, transactions, or database calls. For example, the number database calls per second is a metric.

Question 3. Modification schema of oracle database in one level without affecting the schema in high level is called as _______
  1.    Data Migration
  2.    Data Isolation
  3.    Data Independence
  4.    Data Abstraction
Answer: Option C. -> Data Independence

Data Independence means changing internal level does not affect conceptual level.

Question 4. Which operations can be performed using the Data Recovery Ad-visor?
  1.    Diagnosing data failure
  2.    It is a percentage of rows in which the statistics are collected incrementally for partitions
  3.    Presenting appropriate repair options
  4.    Generating reports for possible causes of failure
Answer: Option A. -> Diagnosing data failure

The Data Recovery Ad-visor automatically diagnoses corruption or loss of persistent data on disk, determines the appropriate repair options, and executes repairs at the user's request. This reduces the complexity of recovery process, thereby reducing the Mean Time To Recover (MTTR).

Question 5. Which of the following segment is destroyed when the SQL statement is finished?
  1.    Data Segment
  2.    Object Segment
  3.    Temporary Segment
  4.    All of the Mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> Temporary Segment

After each block is formatted/finished, the new index keys are put in a sort (temporary) segment.

Question 6. Which of the following statement is false ?
  1.    Any procedure can raise a error and return an user message and error number
  2.    Error number is ranging from 20000 to 20999 are reserved for user defined messages
  3.    Oracle checks Uniqueness of User defined errors
  4.    Raise_Application_error is used for raising an user defined error
Answer: Option C. -> Oracle checks Uniqueness of User defined errors

The UNIQUE constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.The UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns.

Question 7. What is the use of an index?
  1.    Retrieve data more quickly and efficiently
  2.    Related data requires much less I/O overhead if accessed simultaneously
  3.    Simplify the user's perception of data access
  4.    All of the Mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> Retrieve data more quickly and efficiently

Index is used for to perform the quick operation on the data.

Question 8. The ORDER BY clause can only be used in ___________
  1.    SELECT queries
  2.    INSERT queries
  3.    GROUP BY queries
  4.    HAVING queries
Answer: Option A. -> SELECT queries

An ORDER BY clause allows you to specify the order in which rows appear in the result set.

Question 9. Which of the following object types below cannot be replicated?
  1.    Data
  2.    Trigger
  3.    View
  4.    Sequence
Answer: Option D. -> Sequence

Use the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a sequence, which is a database object from which multiple users may generate unique integers. You can use sequences to automatically generate primary key values.

Question 10. What is the result of the following 'PAN'NULL'KAJ'?
  1.    Error
  2.    PAN KAJ
  3.    PANKAJ
  4.    NULL
Answer: Option C. -> PANKAJ

In Oracle NULL values represent missing unknown data.