Mvvm(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. In the following XAML example, in which color will the text appear to the user?
  1.    Red
  2.    Default text color
  3.    Green
  4.    Black
Answer: Option C. -> Green

Question 2. What are advantages of MVVM over MVC?
  1.    Blendability
  2.    Lookless
  3.    Testability
  4.    All the above mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All the above mentioned

Question 3. What is ICommand?
  1.    CanExecute
  2.    Execute
  3.    CanExecutehanged
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 4. What are the disadvantages of Mvvm?
  1.    Some people think that for simple UI, MVVM can be an overkill
  2.    Similarly in bigger cases, it can be hard to design the ViewModel
  3.    Debugging would be a bit difficult when we have complex data bindings
  4.    All the above mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> All the above mentioned

Question 5. What are the elements of MVVM?
  1.    Model
  2.    View
  3.    View model
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 6. What are the responsibilities of model?
  1.    It is composed of objects with properties and some variables to contain data in memory
  2.    Some of those properties may have reference to other model objects and create the object graph which as a whole is the model objects
  3.    Model objects should raise property change notifications
  4.    All the Above
Answer: Option D. -> All the Above

Question 7. What are the ways used to construct views?
  1.    View First Construction in XAML
  2.    View First Construction in Code-behind
  3.    Both A and B
  4.    None
Answer: Option C. -> Both A and B

Question 8. What are popular MVVM frameworks?
  1.    Prism
  2.    MVVM Light
  3.    Caliburn Micro
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 9. MVVM is incorporated with the
  1.    Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  2.    WSD
  3.    Both A and B
  4.    None
Answer: Option A. -> Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Question 10. What are the benefits of MVVM?
  1.    Application is easier to maintain and extend
  2.    Application is easier to unit test
  3.    Both A and B
  4.    None
Answer: Option C. -> Both A and B