Processes And Set(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Mongodb > Replication Concepts ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Delayed members are a ________ or a running "historical snapshot of the data set
  1.    rolling backup"
  2.    roll backup"
  3.    rolling commit"
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> rolling backup"

They may help you recover from various kinds of human error.

Question 2. _________ member is used to support dedicated functions, such as backup or reporting.
  1.    Hidden
  2.    Primary
  3.    ViewState
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> Hidden

Delayed members can also support dedicated functions.

Question 3. Sometimes the failover process may require a ____________ during operation.
  1.    savepoint
  2.    rollback
  3.    commit
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> rollback

A rollback reverts write operations on a former primary when the member rejoins its replica set after a failover.

Question 4. If the oplog is shorter than the slaveDelay window, the _______ member cannot successfully replicate operations.
  1.    hidden
  2.    delayed
  3.    priority
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> delayed

The length of the secondary slaveDelay must fit within the window of the oplog.

Question 5. A second data center hosts one priority 0 member that cannot become :
  1.    primary
  2.    write
  3.    view
  4.    Secondary
Answer: Option C. -> view

A priority 0 member can function as a standby.

Question 6. If the current primary becomes unavailable, the replica set holds an ______ to choose which of the secondaries becomes the new primary.
  1.    election
  2.    replication
  3.    clasification
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> election

A secondary can become a primary.

Question 7. Use _________ from a secondary member and the replication status output to assess the current state of replication
  1.    db.getReplInfo()
  2.    db.getReplicationInfo()
  3.    rs.printReplicationInfo()
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> db.getReplicationInfo()

This will determine if there is any unintended replication delay.

Question 8. A replica set can have only ________ primary.
  1.    One
  2.    Two
  3.    Three
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option A. -> One

The secondaries replicate the primary's oplog and apply the operations to their data sets such that the secondaries' data sets reflect the primary's data set.

Question 9. You also can force a member never to become primary by setting its priority value to :
  1.    1
  2.    2
  3.    3
  4.    0
Answer: Option D. -> 0

You can force a replica set member to become primary by giving it a higher priority value than any other member in the set.

Question 10. _________ returns the replica set configuration document.
  1.    rs.freeze()
  2.    rs.conf()
  3.    rs.printReplicationInfo()
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> rs.conf()

rs.conf() returns a document that contains the current replica set configuration.