And Hadoop Development Tools(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering > Hadoop > Incubator Projects ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. A ________ is a way of extending Ambari that allows 3rd parties to plug in new resource types along with the APIs
  1.    trigger
  2.    view
  3.    schema
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> view

A view is an application that is deployed into the Ambari container.

Question 2. Which of the following is a monitoring solution for hadoop ?
  1.    Sirona
  2.    Sentry
  3.    Slider
  4.    Streams
Answer: Option A. -> Sirona

Slider is a collection of tools and technologies to package, deploy, and manage long running applications on Apache Hadoop YARN clusters.

Question 3. __________ are the Chukwa processes that actually produce data.
  1.    Collectors
  2.    Agents
  3.    HBase Table
  4.    HCatalog
Answer: Option B. -> Agents

Setting the option chukwaAgent.control.remote will disallow remote connections to the agent control socket.

Question 4. The _____________ allows external processes to watch the stream of chunks passing through the collector.
  1.    LocalWriter
  2.    SeqFileWriter
  3.    SocketTeeWriter
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> SocketTeeWriter

SocketTeeWriter listens on a port (specified by conf option chukwaCollector.tee.port, defaulting to 9094.)

Question 5. Ignite is a unified ______ data fabric providing high-performance, distributed in-memory data management.
  1.    Column
  2.    In-Memory
  3.    Row oriented
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option B. -> In-Memory

Ignite can be used for various data sources and user applications.

Question 6. ___________ is a software development collaboration tool.
  1.    Buildr
  2.    Cassandra
  3.    Bloodhound
  4.    All of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> Bloodhound

Buildr is a simple and intuitive build system for Java projects written in Ruby.

Question 7. Point out the wrong statement :
  1.    Knox eliminates the need for client software or client configuration and thus simplifies the access model
  2.    Simplified access entend Hadoop's REST/HTTP services by encapsulating Kerberos within the cluster
  3.    Knox intercepts web vulnerability removal and other security services through a series of extensible interceptor pipelines
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> None of the mentioned

Knox aggregates REST/HTTP calls to various components within the Hadoop ecosystem.

Question 8. Point out the wrong statement :
  1.    There is support for creating Hadoop project in HDT
  2.    HDT aims at bringing plugins in eclipse to simplify development on Hadoop platform
  3.    HDT is based on eclipse plugin architecture and can possibly support other versions like 0.23, CDH4 etc in next releases
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option D. -> None of the mentioned

HDT aims to simplify the Hadoop platform for developers.

Question 9. Knox integrates with prevalent identity management and _______ systems.
  1.    SSL
  2.    SSO
  3.    SSH
  4.    Kerberos
Answer: Option B. -> SSO

Knox allows identities from those enterprise systems to be used for seamless, secure access to Hadoop clusters.

Question 10. Which of the following tool is intended to be more compatible with HDT ?
  1.    Git
  2.    Juno
  3.    Indigo
  4.    None of the mentioned
Answer: Option C. -> Indigo

The HDT uses a git repository, which anyone is free to checkout.