Mvc(Engineering > Computer Science And Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. For which ModelState.IsValid Validate?
  1.    It checks for Entityframework Model state
  2.    It checks for valid Model State using DataAnnotations
  3.    It checks for SQL database state
  4.    None
Answer: Option B. -> It checks for valid Model State using DataAnnotations

Question 2. Can we use view state in MVC?
  1.    Yes
  2.    No
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    None
Answer: Option B. -> No

Question 3. List out few different return types of a controller action method?
  1.    View Result
  2.    Javascript Result
  3.    Redirect Result
  4.    All of these
Answer: Option D. -> All of these

Question 4. Explain what are the steps for the execution of an MVC project?
  1.    Receive first request for the application
  2.    Performs routing
  3.    Creates MVC request handler
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above

Question 5. In the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, the model defines the
  1.    Data-access layer
  2.    Presentation layer
  3.    Business-logic layer
  4.    Interface layer
Answer: Option C. -> Business-logic layer

Question 6. FilterConfig.cs file is under in which App folder?
  1.    App_Data
  2.    App_Start
  3.    Content
  4.    Filters
Answer: Option B. -> App_Start

Question 7. You are globalizing an application and are compiling a list of items that need to be translated. Which items should be included on the list?
  1.    Images that are used as part of the menu structure
  2.    The company logo
  3.    Server error-logging messages
  4.    Button tooltips
  5.    Both A and D
Answer: Option E. -> Both A and D

Question 8. Which is more faster between ASPX View Engine and Razor View Engine.
  1.    ASPX View Engine
  2.    Razor View Engine
  3.    Both A & B
  4.    None
Answer: Option A. -> ASPX View Engine

Question 9. . . . . . helps you to maintain data when you move from controller to view.
  1.    View Bag
  2.    View Data
  3.    Temp Data
  4.    None of above
Answer: Option B. -> View Data

Question 10. How can we add Series to MVC Charts?
  1.    .AddSeries(chartType: "Bar", xValue: xValue, yValues: yValue)
  2.    .AddSeries(chartType: "Bar", xValue = xValue, yValues = yValue)
  3.    .AddSeries(chartType: "Bar", xValue: xValue, yValues: yValue)
  4.    None
Answer: Option C. -> .AddSeries(chartType: "Bar", xValue: xValue, yValues: yValue)