Inductive And Non Inductive Circuits(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Among the following, which is the right formula for growth in an inductive circuit?Among The Following, Which Is The Right Formula For Growth I...
  1.    a
  2.    b
  3.    c
  4.    d
Answer: Option D. -> d
Answer: (d).d

Question 2. If the switch is opened at t=0, what is the current in the circuit?If The Switch Is Opened At T=0, What Is The Current In The C...
  1.    0A
  2.    1A
  3.    2A
  4.    3A
Answer: Option C. -> 2A
Answer: (c).2A

Question 3. What is Helmholtz equation?What Is Helmholtz Equation?
  1.    a
  2.    b
  3.    c
  4.    d
Answer: Option B. -> b
Answer: (b).b

Question 4. If the switch is closed at t=0, what is the current in the circuit?If The Switch Is Closed At T=0, What Is The  Current In The ...
  1.    0A
  2.    10A
  3.    20A
  4.    30A
Answer: Option A. -> 0A
Answer: (a).0A

Question 5. What is the voltage across the inductor at t=0?What Is The Voltage Across The Inductor At T=0?
  1.    0V
  2.    20V
  3.    60V
  4.    58V
Answer: Option C. -> 60V
Answer: (c).60V

Question 6. What is the time constant of an inductive circuit?
  1.    LR
  2.    R/L
  3.    1/LR
  4.    L/R
Answer: Option D. -> L/R
Answer: (d).L/R

Question 7. Calculate the inductance in an inductive circuit whose time constant is 2s and the resistance is 5 ohm.
  1.    10H
  2.    20H
  3.    5H
  4.    15H
Answer: Option A. -> 10H
Answer: (a).10H

Question 8. Calculate the resistance in an inductive circuit whose time constant is 2s and the inductance is 10H.
  1.    7ohm
  2.    10ohm
  3.    2ohm
  4.    5ohm
Answer: Option D. -> 5ohm
Answer: (d).5ohm

Question 9. The charging time constant of a circuit consisting of an inductor is the time taken for the current in the inductor to become __________% of the initial current.
  1.    33
  2.    63
  3.    37
  4.    36
Answer: Option B. -> 63
Answer: (b).63

Question 10. Calculate the time constant of an inductive circuit having resistance 5 ohm and inductance 10H.
  1.    2s
  2.    4s
  3.    5s
  4.    0s
Answer: Option A. -> 2s
Answer: (a).2s