Introduction To Cultural Psychology(Human And Cultural Diversity ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. For anthropologists, everyone acquires culture through
  1.    Enculturation
  2.    Culturation
  3.    culture
  4.    Tradition
Answer: Option A. -> Enculturation
Answer: (a).Enculturation

Question 2. According to anthropologists in many societies, myth, legends, tales, and the art of storytelling play important roles in the transmission of culture and
  1.    Language
  2.    Tradition
  3.    Fine arts
  4.    Ceremony
Answer: Option B. -> Tradition
Answer: (b).Tradition

Question 3. Appreciation of the arts must be learned it is a part of
  1.    Acculturation
  2.    Assamilation
  3.    Enculturation
  4.    Association
Answer: Option C. -> Enculturation
Answer: (c).Enculturation

Question 4. Art is part of
  1.    Tradition
  2.    Life
  3.    Politics
  4.    Culture
Answer: Option D. -> Culture
Answer: (d).Culture

Question 5. Who says that the foreign music as dangerous and rejected it as not a part of their culture
  1.    Navajo
  2.    Max Weber
  3.    Karl Polanyi
  4.    E,B Tylor
Answer: Option A. -> Navajo
Answer: (a).Navajo

Question 6. The data gathering from different societies in anthropology it's called
  1.    Ethno medical
  2.    Ethnology
  3.    Ethnoscience
  4.    None of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Ethno medical
Answer: (a).Ethno medical

Question 7. The interrelations among living things in an environment is called
  1.    Ecology
  2.    Psychology
  3.    Sociology
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Ecology
Answer: (a).Ecology

Question 8. According to anthropologists culture also is transmitted through
  1.    Observation
  2.    Thinking
  3.    Exploration
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option A. -> Observation
Answer: (a).Observation

Question 9. In anthropology the reconstructs social systems of the past and interprets past human behavior and culture patterns is called
  1.    Sociology
  2.    Anthropology
  3.    Archaeology
  4.    All of the above
Answer: Option C. -> Archaeology
Answer: (c).Archaeology

Question 10. In anthropology the cultures are not isolated said by
  1.    Franz Boas
  2.    Karl Marx
  3.    Kroeber
  4.    Margaret Mead
Answer: Option A. -> Franz Boas
Answer: (a).Franz Boas