Continuous Process Improvement(Total Quality Management ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. ‘To evaluate the trial project with the already decided performance indicators’ is a part of which phase of PDCA cycle?
  1.    Plan
  2.    Do
  3.    Check
  4.    Act
Answer: Option C. -> Check
Answer: (c).Check

Question 2. ‘To form project team that will focus on quality improvement processes’ is a part of which phase of PDCA cycle?
  1.    Plan
  2.    Do
  3.    Check
  4.    Act
Answer: Option B. -> Do
Answer: (b).Do

Question 3. 5S is defined as a housekeeping technique used to establish and maintain a productive and quality environment in an organization.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 4. Which of the following decision is not part of the ‘Action’ phase?
  1.    Introducing the ‘Plan’
  2.    Adjusting the ‘Plan’
  3.    Rejecting the ‘Plan’
  4.    Defining the problem
Answer: Option D. -> Defining the problem
Answer: (d).Defining the problem

Question 5. ‘To document the standard procedures regarding improvement’ is a part of which phase of the PDCA cycle?
  1.    Plan
  2.    Do
  3.    Check
  4.    Act
Answer: Option D. -> Act
Answer: (d).Act

Question 6. Which of the following is not an advantage of implementing 5S technique?
  1.    To improve work efficiency
  2.    To standardize work practices
  3.    To improve work discipline
  4.    To create a dirty workplace
Answer: Option D. -> To create a dirty workplace
Answer: (d).To create a dirty workplace

Question 7. In the process of Kaizen, improvements are accomplished gradually in small increments.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True

Question 8. Which of the following is not the aim of Kaizen process?
  1.    To make processes efficient
  2.    To make processes effective
  3.    To make processes controllable
  4.    To make processes uncontrollable
Answer: Option D. -> To make processes uncontrollable
Answer: (d).To make processes uncontrollable

Question 9. Kairyo refers to improvements through ________, and does not allow ___________
  1.    Innovation, constant improvement
  2.    Constant improvement, innovation
  3.    Discontinuous improvement, constant improvement
  4.    Innovation, discontinuous improvement
Answer: Option A. -> Innovation, constant improvement
Answer: (a).Innovation, constant improvement

Question 10. Kaizen refers to _________
  1.    Continuous improvement
  2.    Intermittent improvement
  3.    Discontinuous improvement
  4.    Stop improvement
Answer: Option A. -> Continuous improvement
Answer: (a).Continuous improvement