Technical Writing(Professional Communication ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Summary of an effective technical document, must be included in a
  1.    past histories
  2.    focus of research
  3.    complex technical concepts
  4.    symbols
Answer: Option B. -> focus of research
Answer: (b).focus of research

Question 2. Last step to pre-write reader friendly summary, known as:
  1.    reading the article for understanding
  2.    referencing
  3.    writing the rough draft
  4.    skimming
Answer: Option A. -> reading the article for understanding
Answer: (a).reading the article for understanding

Question 3. Writing step for achieving reader friendly summary, involved in
  1.    locating the article
  2.    referencing
  3.    writing the rough draft
  4.    revisions
Answer: Option C. -> writing the rough draft
Answer: (c).writing the rough draft

Question 4. Summary of an effective technical document, excluded
  1.    definitions
  2.    main idea
  3.    introduction sentence
  4.    title
Answer: Option A. -> definitions
Answer: (a).definitions

Question 5. Length limit of summary of original source in percentage, ranges
  1.    43845
  2.    44119
  3.    15-50
  4.    All of them
Answer: Option D. -> All of them
Answer: (d).All of them

Question 6. First step prevailed in prewriting, reader friendly, preoccupied in
  1.    referencing
  2.    reading the article for understanding
  3.    writing the rough draft
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Answer: (d).All of above

Question 7. According to 'Nace 2004' report, top two items of list, termed as:
  1.    analytical and oral communication skills
  2.    flexibility and communication skills
  3.    interpersonal and teamwork skills
  4.    being obey all rules and regulation
Answer: Option C. -> interpersonal and teamwork skills
Answer: (c).interpersonal and teamwork skills

Question 8. A term 'Silo' is being used as a metaphor for
  1.    standalone
  2.    grouping
  3.    education purpose
  4.    professional expertise
Answer: Option A. -> standalone
Answer: (a).standalone

Question 9. To write an effective summary of a report and article, summary tend to follow the
  1.    chronological order
  2.    priority based organization
  3.    spatial organization
  4.    All of above
Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Answer: (d).All of above

Question 10. Summary of an effective technical document, included:
  1.    examples
  2.    figures
  3.    two-three main ideas
  4.    briefing
Answer: Option C. -> two-three main ideas
Answer: (c).two-three main ideas