Folds And Folding(Engineering > Engineering Geology ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Gentle folds have fold angle between ___________
  1.    10° to 90°
  2.    90° to 170°
  3.    170° to 180°
  4.    They don’t belong to this type
Answer: Option C. -> 170° to 180°
Answer: (c).170° to 180°

Question 2. Which is the class of fold with the degree of curvature greater on the outer arc compared to the inner arc?
  1.    Class 1
  2.    Class 2
  3.    Class 3
  4.    Class 4
Answer: Option C. -> Class 3
Answer: (c).Class 3

Question 3. The folds caused due to the drag effect are ___________
  1.    Monocline
  2.    Homocline
  3.    Basins
  4.    Drag folds
Answer: Option D. -> Drag folds
Answer: (d).Drag folds

Question 4. The fold which is associated with the formation of mountains is ___________
  1.    Geanticline
  2.    Geosyncline
  3.    Homocline
  4.    Basin
Answer: Option B. -> Geosyncline
Answer: (b).Geosyncline

Question 5. The anticlines signifying larger bending are called ___________
  1.    Geranticlines
  2.    Geosynclines
  3.    Geanticlines
  4.    Geoantinclines
Answer: Option C. -> Geanticlines
Answer: (c).Geanticlines

Question 6. Which of the following about drag fold is not true?
  1.    The axes of the drag folds are parallel to those of the major folds
  2.    The drag folds plunge in the same manner as the major folds
  3.    The layers on the upper side of the drag folds slide away from the synclinal axis
  4.    The axes of the drag folds are not parallel to those of the major folds
Answer: Option D. -> The axes of the drag folds are not parallel to those of the major folds
Answer: (d).The axes of the drag folds are not parallel to those of the major folds

Question 7. A group of strata centrally centrally uplifted is ___________
  1.    Dome
  2.    Basin
  3.    Valley
  4.    Cleavage
Answer: Option A. -> Dome
Answer: (a).Dome

Question 8. What is Orogeny?
  1.    Flat land building activity
  2.    River forming activity
  3.    Rock breaking activity
  4.    Mountain building activity
Answer: Option D. -> Mountain building activity
Answer: (d).Mountain building activity

Question 9. The fold associated with magmatic activity is ___________
  1.    Anticlinorium
  2.    Synclinorium
  3.    Diapiric fold
  4.    Box fold
Answer: Option C. -> Diapiric fold
Answer: (c).Diapiric fold

Question 10. Pick the incorrect statement about basins.
  1.    Basins are the reverse of the domes
  2.    They are a group of strata that are centrally depressed
  3.    Group of strata that are centrally uplifted
  4.    Involved layers dip towards a common central point from all sides
Answer: Option C. -> Group of strata that are centrally uplifted
Answer: (c).Group of strata that are centrally uplifted