Network Theorems(Engineering > Electrical Engineering ) Questions and Answers

Question 1. Find the value of I1, I2 and I3.Find The Value Of I1, I2 And I3.
  1.    -0.566A, 1.29A, -1.91A
  2.    -1.29A, -0.566A, 1.91A
  3.    1.29A, -0.566A, -1.91A
  4.    1.91A, 0.566A, 1.29A
Answer: Option C. -> 1.29A, -0.566A, -1.91A
Answer: (c).1.29A, -0.566A, -1.91A

Question 2. Find the value of V, if the value of I3= 0A.Find The Value Of V, If The Value Of I3= 0A.
  1.    1.739 V
  2.    6.5 V
  3.    4.5V
  4.    2.739V
Answer: Option A. -> 1.739 V
Answer: (a).1.739 V

Question 3. Find the value of R if the power in the circuit is 1000W.Find The Value Of R If The Power In The Circuit Is 1000W.
  1.    10 ohm
  2.    9 ohm
  3.    8 ohm
  4.    7 ohm
Answer: Option C. -> 8 ohm
Answer: (c).8 ohm

Question 4. Find the current in the 4 ohm resistor.Find The Current In The 4 Ohm Resistor.
  1.    5A
  2.    0A
  3.    2.2A
  4.    20A
Answer: Option B. -> 0A
Answer: (b).0A

Question 5. What is the current in the following circuit?What Is The Current In The Following Circuit?
  1.    0A
  2.    15A
  3.    5A
  4.    10A
Answer: Option A. -> 0A
Answer: (a).0A

Question 6. Mesh analysis is generally used to determine_________
  1.    Voltage
  2.    Current
  3.    Resistance
  4.    Power
Answer: Option B. -> Current
Answer: (b).Current

Question 7. Mesh analysis employs the method of ___________
  1.    KVL
  2.    KCL
  3.    Both KVL and KCL
  4.    Neither KVL nor KCL
Answer: Option A. -> KVL
Answer: (a).KVL

Question 8. KCL is associated with_________
  1.    Mesh analysis
  2.    Nodal analysis
  3.    Both mesh and nodal
  4.    Neither mesh nor nodal
Answer: Option B. -> Nodal analysis
Answer: (b).Nodal analysis

Question 9. Mesh analysis is generally used to determine _________
  1.    Voltage
  2.    Current
  3.    Resistance
  4.    Power
Answer: Option B. -> Current
Answer: (b).Current

Question 10. KVL is associated with____________
  1.    Mesh analysis
  2.    Nodal analysis
  3.    Both mesh and nodal
  4.    Neither mesh nor nodal
Answer: Option A. -> Mesh analysis
Answer: (a).Mesh analysis